4. Prague

363 10 0

Beck came back inside after his talk with Peter. I walked towards him.

"Hey. How's the kid?" I asked.

"He's good. He's a good kid", Quintin said.

"Yeah, I know".

"Zee. I know you don't trust me".

"You're right. I don't. The night we met, you gave me that drink. After that, my lie detector senses weren't working".

"Why would I do that to you?"

"Look, I've had this weird vibe about you ever since we met. If you want my trust, Quintin Beck, you're going to have to earn it", I snapped. I walked away from Beck.

"Zee, we can trust him", Maria Hill said.

"I don't know. You know I have trust issues", I said.


We were all in position, waiting for Peter to respond. "Alright, I'm in position. As soon as I see something, Beck and Zia, I'll uh...I'll let you know", Peter said through the comms.

"Roger that", Me and Quintin said.

"How's the suit?" Fury asked.

"Uh, the suit's great. It's awesome",Peter said. "A little tight around the old web shooter".

"Parker", Fury said. I laughed.

"Okay. I'll shut up".

I was standing next to Beck, waiting for Peter's signal. I was wearing a black suit along with my mother's green vest. I was wearing my black boots.

"You ready?"Quintin asked.

"Yeah. We just wait for Peter and then it's go time", I said.

"How long will it be until you trust me?"

"When my senses say you're good".

"Are you like this with everyone you meet?"

"I don't trust someone I meet, but I come around. Sometimes. Can we please focus?"

"Okay, he's here!" Peter shouted through the comms. Me and Beck flew towards the city. "Beck. Zia. Are you ready? You know what to do".

"On your lead, Spiderman", Quintin says.

I saw the lava monster smash everything. Me and Beck landed in front of it.

"You're up, kid", Beck said.

Green and Blue energy came out of my hands. I threw green and blue energy at the fire elemental.

Peter's spiderweb grabbed a fire hydrant. The water blasts towards the monster.

The monster punched the building, almost hitting Peter. I hit the monster with my infinity stone powers.

Peter landed on the carousel . The fire elemental punched it, knocking Peter to the ground.

"Beck! Zia! He's got the carousel! He's getting bigger!" Peter shouted.

I threw colorful energy at the fire elemental. I got out of the way when it tried to smash me with it's fist.

I took out a gun. I don't usually use guns. They were never my favorite weapon of choice. I couldn't use my dagger so I had no choice.

I shot at the monster. I created a ball of green energy. I threw it at the monster. It fell to it's knees.

The monster got up and went towards the Ferris wheel. Two kids where stuck. The fire monster walked towards them.

"We can't let it get to those kids!" I shouted.

A family Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora