5. Wedding

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I was in a happier mood than usual because today was the day of my wedding day.

I went into the kitchen, where Natasha and Loki were already sitting at the table. "Zia!" They shouted in unison.

"Hey Mom. Hi Papa", I said.

"We found the perfect wedding dress", Natasha said.

"I found it. She was no help", Loki said. Natasha punched Loki in the arm which made me laugh. "We found your mother's wedding dress".

"Which mother?" I asked.

"The one who gave birth to you", Nat says. "I'll go grab it". Natasha walked out of the kitchen, leaving me and Loki by ourselves.

"Let me guess? Nervous?" Papa asked.

"No. Why would I- Why would I be nervous?" I asked.

"You're stuttering".

"Well I am cold".

"You're a Frost Giant, remember?"

"No. You never told me that".

"Alright. Zia, the truth is, you're a Frost Giant", Loki said. I glared at him. "Now, you know".

"Smart ass", I mumbled.

"Thank you", Loki said. We both laughed.

"I can't believe today's the day. You know, I never thought that I'd get married. I am a little nervous".

"I know. It'll all be alright".

Natasha came back into the room. "Follow me", she said. Me, Natasha and Loki walked toward Natasha's room.

In Nat's room was a blue dress. "It's beautiful", I said.

"Try it on", Natasha said. She and my father walked out of the room. I tried on the Asgardian wedding dress.

I walked out of the room to show Natasha and Loki the wedding dress. "You look amazing, Zee", Natasha said.

"Thanks mom", I said.

"I'll have Wanda do your makeup and I'll come back to do your hair",Natasha said. She walked out of the room.

"What will you do?" I asked Loki.

"I will make sure Parker stays out of trouble", Loki said before he walked out of the room.

"Try not to kill him", I said.


I sat in the chair as Wanda did my makeup. Natasha did my hair. There was a knock at the door. Loki came into the room.

"Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"Wanda asked.

"I'm sure those rules only apply to Pietro", I said.

"How does she look?" Wanda asked.

"Beautiful", Loki said.

"I agree", Natasha said.

Wanda walked out of the room. I looked at myself in the mirror. My parents stood next to me as we looked at our reflection.

"I don't know what to say. I'm...Speechless. Is this really happening?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is", Natasha said.

My eyes got watery. "Shit, I never liked being emotional", I said. Natasha and Loki laughed. The three of us came into a group hug.


Pietro stood next to Steve. Everyone turned around to see me, standing at the end of the isle. I was wearing her Asgardian wedding dress. Standing next to me was my father, Loki.

We both walked towards Steve and Pietro. It seemed that when I saw Pietro, that's when my nerves slowed.

"Thank you, Papa", I said.

"For what?" Loki asked.

"For being here. I know you couldn't be apart of much, but I'm happy you're here", I said. He smiled at me.

We stopped when we got to the end of the isle. Papa sat down next to Mom. I stood next to Pietro and Steve.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of two Avengers, Zia Romanoff and Pietro Maximoff. Now let's listen as these two exchange their vows", Steve said. "Mr. Maximoff".

"Zia, the day we met was the best day of my life. I always thought I'd be alone, but then you came into my life. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and I promise to keep loving you and to be there for you during the good times and the bad", Pietro said. I smiled at him.

"Miss Romanoff", Steve said.

"Pietro, I spent my life, telling myself that I was never going to fall in love, but it was because I believed there was no one out there, who would fall in love with me. That all changed when I met you. I promise to be the one who supports you, I promise to be by your side no matter what, I promise to be your best friend and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together", I said.

"Now, Pietro Maximoff, do you take Zia Romanoff to be your wife?" Steve asked.


"And do you, Zia Romanoff, take Pietro Maximoff to be your husband?"

"Yes, I do".

"I hereby pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss", Steve said. Me and Pietro kissed each other as everyone cheered.

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