39. The Blade - Ethelston

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Her men followed without formation. Their chaos was evident, but their ferocity complimented it equally as their various exotic weapons were drawn and raring to be used.

Their disappointment equalled that ferocity as no opposition awaited them at the tavern. Positioning themselves around the outside of the building, Aryya's smile broadened knowing her men had performed admirably as expected.

"Have your men stand guard, " Ethelston instructed, "then follow me."

Reaching for his swords behind his back, the swish of metal against leather was quickly followed by the creaking of the tavern door as Ethelston entered. With Aryya raising her hand in a fist, her men stood ready as she followed closely behind.

"Bianca!" Ethelston called. Stepping carefully into the tavern.

Instantly all the patrons reached for their weapons and stood briskly to their feet. The scraping of chairs, the fumbling of weapons, the desperation to become prepared seemed to give Ethelston a small adrenaline rush, and goosebumps blossomed all over his body.

"I'm here for Bianca!" Ethelston called out, prompting the sizeable breasted tavern owner to step from behind her counter.

"Who'd have thought I would inadvertently pour a drink for the Duke of Ravenscourt. I remember you handsome; however, this time, I won't stop my men from gutting you." Bianca responded with a hint of frustration.

"Who would have thought that the Blade of the Black Knife Syndicate poured me a drink." a grin plastered itself begrudgingly on Ethelston's face, knowing that, initially, he had been so close to the woman that ordered so many horrific murders throughout Ravenscourt. If he had known then, it would have been ended decisively.

"So we're both surprised!" she responded with a hint of malice, "state your business before I order your death."

"I've come here to negotiate for your surrender."

There was a rumbustious roar of laughter that erupted from the patrons within the tavern, something which only seemed to make Ethelston, unnervingly, echo.

"You're vastly outnumbered, and the Syndicate does not negotiate. Since you're here, we can discuss the various ways I will kill you." Bianca responded.

Ethelston's laughter grew louder, which seemed to irritate Bianca and the patrons. "Oh you silly woman, you can only kill me once."

Aryya's chuckle grew with Ethelston's sarcasm.

Ethelston continued, "I'm standing here with the second-best archer I know, who could quickly kill three of your men before you give the order to attack."

Aryya's chuckle disappeared as her head cocked towards Ethelston, "What do you mean second best?"

"Yeah, sorry, uh, we'll talk later, " Ethelston apologised before turning towards Bianca once more, "Have your men throughout the city stand down, come peacefully with me and I promise there will be no executions or tortures. How about that for negotiations?"

Bianca's face scrunched up in anger, "You try my patience, Duke!"

"And you try my limited mercy, " Ethelston retorted, "look, how about we make this interesting. Your best man, against me, winner takes all!"

Bianca's mouth seemed to twist into a smile at Ethelston's arrogant offer, "when my man wins, Lord Millendahl will be placed back in his seat of power."

As Ethelston swang around to the exit, he nodded in agreement. "My uncle will return to his position on my defeat."

Aryya quickly placed her hand on his shoulder, "What are you doing? This is a massive risk!"

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