Defining Family

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Parker POV

I sit on the ground next to a tree in the park. I used to go to this park all the time when I lived with the Johnstons. This is the park where I met the Johnstons so it holds a special place in my heart. I looked over at the skate park where I met Austin for the first time. We were fifteen, I recognized him from classes that we had together at school. I had just gotten into a fight with my foster mom. I never had super good luck with foster parents, most of the time I didn't stay very long. I never saw the point in trying to become "Part of the Family" I was just going to leave again soon anyway. That's when I met Austin, we became super fast friends. I was over at his house all the time, I would come over after school and stay till 11 pm almost every night. When his parents found out I was in foster care they decided to see if I could live with them. The first time they tried to foster me their request was denied. I went into a really dark place, I took the only escape I could think of... I ran. I had to get away from everyone and everything. I was on the run for two months, I ended up being caught by a classmate on vacation. He recognized me while I was walking along the highway one night. I was sent back to my foster home and was quickly moved into another one. From that one, I was moved in with the Johnstons. I lived there for just over a year before they put in the paperwork to adopt me. Now here we are, I am getting adopted in just a few days.
I see Jen come around the corner where she had been sitting, Jen went and parked the car then went and sat by a small lake in the park, she never left me. "You ready to go Parker?"
"Yea, lets go." I walk to go get into the car to drive home.
The next few days go very slow, I am anxious and can't wait to go get home I miss my room and all of my stuff. Mom and Dad took a lot of my stuff with them when they moved so I didn't have to worry about moving all of my possessions with me. We were very sure that the paperwork was going to go through for my adoption so we had them take most of my stuff with with them.
There was a long silence in the car, just the quiet sound of the radio braking the silence. "They told me my adoption date." Jen turns down the car radio "Are you excited?"
"Yea, I can't wait! I missed them so much." I feel my smile fade off of my face. Jen must have seen my smile fade. "Whats wrong?"
"As excited as I am to join my family again, and officialy become apart of their family the thought scares me.
"Why? Explain it to me." I take a deep breath. "It's like, I dont know its hard to explain."
"No, Parker, Talk to me. You know how your feeling explain it to me."
"I'm happy, but sad, and scared, and nervious."
"Good, can you explain those to me a little bit further?" I nod my head. "I'm happy because I get to move in with my family. I'm nervious because its been so long since I have had a family, I'm scared for the same reason, It has been so long since I have been actually apart of a family, I'm usually just the foster kid, but now I would be their actual kid, I want to make them proud and I don't know if I am good enough, I am afraid I am going to fail them and they wont want me anymore. I'm sad because I have to leave you guys, and Alana. I'm going to miss all of you even though I haven't been with you guys for a long time, I am still going to miss you." I take a deep breath in hopes of keeping myself calm. "It's okay to have these feelings Parker, don't push your feelings so far down." I nod my head.
We pull into the driveway. "Do you want to tell everyone that you are getting adopted tonight? We can go get ice cream and celebrate!"
"No, Not tonight, can we wait till tommorow or Monday?"
"Yea, we need to tell them before Thursday though."
"Yea," I say noding my head in a greement "Jen I never told you the date. I never told you when I was getting adopted. How did you know?"
"Your Social Worker messaged me, and Neveah called me a few days ago. She asked me not to tell you so they could tell you." I smile.
"are you gonna tell Alana?"
"yea,I think so I want her to know first. I think I want to tell her when we're alone if that's okay with you."
"Of corse. She's your sister."
"Was my sister."
"No, is your sister, no matter who you guys live with or what your last names are she will always be your sister."

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