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The guards are quick to take care of their chores after they eat. Once they found out that Jessa wants to stay the day there and have sparring workouts they were more than willing to do their work. Jessa wants to smirk at how fast they did the work that they normally drag out as long as they can.

"I think what they will miss most about you no longer guarding, Jessa, will be the thought of the possibility of watching the sparring between the elven guards and between you and the prince. Of course they will be missing the elven food as well.

"They are more than a little thankful that you've taught them how to cook decently. The guards are always happier when they hear that you are the caravan master or at least hired on as one of the guards."

Jessa chuckles, "That's just because they like watching the sparring matches."

Josnick has her face him when he tells her this next part, "No, Jessa. You're a hero to them. There's not a one of them that didn't hear what you've done three years ago. They doubt until they've seen the bones of the bandits that were left to rot by the elves. Then they talk to the three other guards that were with you on that trip. The terror of that fight still lingers in their eyes. You know that none of them have gone back to guarding, right? All three of them have gotten jobs working as guards for the merchants in Castlerock. They are terrified of leaving the city now.

"You want to have the guards fight for you, all you need to do is call for them." 

Jessa just stares at him. She's known of course that the other guards that survived that trip never went back to guarding caravans, but she never realized that the guards that she worked with felt that way about her. She stays away from the ones that survived, the hero worship she sees in their eyes makes her feel uncomfortable. That and it brings up feelings that Nathan should be there and not her.

Although, after talking to Nathan the night before, that guilt has eased considerably. He knew that he would die on that trip and went with her any way. He saved her life by giving his because he wanted his death to mean something.

Jessa shoves the emotions away. She can't allow herself the tears at this time. To ease some of the discomfort of her emotions Jessa calls out for the elven guards to start their sparring. She looks them over and is very pleased at their improvement. The one that astonishes her the most is Kristoff. As he goes against Sorsha, Jessa can tell that he's vastly improved from three years previously.

She, for the first time nods thoughtfully. Kristoff, she feels has actually earned the right to his spot as a guard to Dhiren. More than ever she wants Sorsha to come with her, but she won't make her.

She is pleased by the improvements she's seeing in all of them but the only ones that come close to what she wants them to be is Sorsha and Kristoff.

She hopes that Dhiren has improved as well.

She gives a final nod and goes over to her father and talks to him about the elves. Kallen nods as she speaks. After the sparring is over he calls over the other two females and talks to them.

Jessa makes her way to Sorsha and Kristoff. Dhiren joins her as she comes to a stop.

Both Sorsha and Kristoff look at them. "Sorsha, I would like for you to join us, but you would be going as my lady's maid. Something like an undercover guard. If you are interested in this I'll have Frosnak start training you while we are in Castlerock. The biggest problem will be, we'll be gone for at least two months, likely longer, depending on how stubborn and stupid the humans and high elves are.

"If you need time to think about things, I can give you two weeks until we return to Silva. At that time I will be needing a definite answer. If you choose to go with me and Dhiren, Kallen and Sorid will take your children in and watch them."

Dhiren breaks in, "Actually, my parents will likely make Kallen and Sorid move into the palace until you return. They want to be near your children and love playing with my general's children as well. I think they are trying to hint that they want grandkids without actually saying anything. They are rather intimidated by Jessa and didn't want to annoy her by saying anything out loud." Dhiren says with a great deal of amusement.

All the elves are intimidated by Jessa except Dhiren. Especially after that fight that she somehow managed to survive three years earlier.

"Jessa, Dhiren, time for you two to practice." Kallen tells them as Jessa rolls her eyes at Dhiren's words. She doesn't believe that all the elves are that affected by her. Although, she does feel far more accepted by them than she had before.

Jessa goes with him to the sparring ring. Smirking at him as she turns to face him, "You've finally gotten good enough, Dhiren, I think we'll do this one no holds barred. Everything goes except permanently damaging ones."

Dhiren stops and swallows hard. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I won't be holding back any more. I will be doing my best to kill you, but I won't be giving any killing wounds. That, of course, means that magic will be allowed to be used. That and any means available. I haven't used any dirty tricks against you yet."

Dhiren looks at her sick. He's just gotten to the point where he can almost hold his own. At least he manages half the time. Jessa just smiles happily at him waiting for him to join her.

Dhiren sighs and walks to the sparring ring. By then everyone is waiting for them to start. Dhiren takes a deep breath as he readies himself for the new attack. Jessa gives him a wink before she starts her attack.

Dhiren has never worked so hard to keep Jessa away from him. Then she throws dirt at him and he barely manages to get the spell out to stop it from blinding him.

The fight goes on and the onlookers are too astounded to even speak. "If I didn't know better, I'd say that they are actually trying to kill each other." More than one was thinking that. The elves are even holding their breaths as they watch the fight. Kallen even is in awe of his daughter. He's never seen her go full out before. He is pleased and proud that Dhiren is able to keep up, even if he has to work at it.

The fight goes on for longer than any of them could believe. After nearly half an hour Dhiren concedes. He's completely worn out and has more than a few cuts from when he was narrowly missed by Jessa. The only thing that saves his pride at all, is that Jessa sports more than one scratch as well.

Kallen calmly goes over to them both and hands them each a vial. "You'll need it after that workout."

Only after they've taken the restorative does he smile and praise them both.

Jessa smiles warmly at Dhiren, "You've done far better than I had hoped, Dhiren." 

Her words mean more to him than Kallen's praise. Although Kallen doesn't praise often, Jessa never does. Although, those words weren't exactly high praise, they are more than any one has ever received before.

"Thank you, Jessa. I think."

Jessa chuckles then throws her arms around him. "You did a very good job, Dhiren, and you know it."

The others gather round and give their praise as well. 

"I want to visit Jasper when we get to Castlerock. Him and Mistress Silvermoon."

Dhiren doesn't answer vocally, just nods his head. He figured that she would. If there is trouble brewing then Jessa would want to warn them. They'd become friends over the years. Jessa doesn't have many that she considers friends. She is fiercely protective of those that are.

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