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Jessa about chokes at Dhiren's words. She turns wide eyed to look disbelieving at the prince. "Are you trying to have Kallen kill me? If I helped you ditch your body guards what do you think he would do to me?"

"I won't need any other body guards. You are the finest fighter I have ever met. After you is me. If there are any that are any where equal then they will be able to keep up with us and there won't be a problem."

"You are still trying to have my father kill me. I will not help you lose your guards. Talk to Kallen and have him choose those that are best suited to come with us. I will not have you alienating my parents now." Jessa says shocked and horrified by the prince's plan.

Dhiren smiles in genuine amusement. He leans over and places a stray  lock of hair behind her ear much like he had earlier. "I already have. He isn't very happy about the ones that are best qualified. Many of them are ones that bullied you when you were here."

Jessa looks at the prince flatly, "You had already talked to Kallen about this?"

Dhiren takes a step back and sighs. "Even if you weren't willing to allow me to travel with you, I still have business in Castlerock with your grandfather and Frosnak. I asked him to have them ready by tomorrow morning. If you hadn't said it was alright I would have ridden ahead of the caravan and beaten you to the city. I like the idea of going with you far better though.

"Besides," Dhiren leans over Jessa and whispers for her ears only, "this way they will be able to see just how good you really are when they see us spar. I can even have them come against you if they think they can do better. What do you think?"

"I have a better idea, why don't you go against any of them, including the humans and I take on the winner?" Jessa smirks at him, thinking that there will be no way the prince would agree to going against the humans.

Dhiren smiles, "Very well, then if there are any that wish to challenge you after you win our fight you agree to fight them."

Jessa snorts, "Very well. You are so sure that I will win against you Dhiren? Shouldn't you be more sure in your abilities? Going into a fight sure that you will lose means that you will."

This time it's Dhiren that snorts. "I am well aware of my abilities and lack there of. I'm not ashamed to admit that you are in fact a much better fighter than I am and you damn well know it." Dhiren leans in and kisses her. "The moon is about to rise. Shall we see if we will be able to dance together this night?"

Jessa cants her head to the side and gives a little smile to Dhiren, "What happens if you can't hear the music, Dhiren?"

"Then I will miss out on being partners with an incredible female and instead will sit out and watch you as you dance to Lady Zira solo. It also means that I still need to work to be allowed to complete the rites with you." With this Dhiren lightly runs his fingers down her face.

"If you are able to hear her music tonight, then I will accept your courting." When Dhiren smiles and starts to speak, Jessa holds her hand up to stop him. "However, that doesn't mean more than that. As you said, there is much we need to learn about each other and many that will need to be convinced that it's not so bad to have me as their crown princess."

Dhiren smiles brightly before kissing her once more. As he does so he hears the most beautiful music he's ever heard in his life.

The music is compelling and soon he finds himself moving in time with Jessa as they perform the partner version of Lady Zira's celebratory dance. He finds himself moving more surely, gracefully than he ever has before. The music guiding his steps and his eyes never leaving Jessa's.

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