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"I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt Dhiren, I swear. I had no idea that stopping the courtship would harm him. I still don't understand how even now."

"When Dhiren was engaged to Iliana, he loved her, but not deeply. More like the love of friendship. Yet, evenso, he mourned her greatly when she died. Even after all the betrayal she gave him.

"Losing you, someone that he was deeply in love with was killing him." Ureuk tried to explain to Jessa, but couldn't find the right words.

"Jessa, you know how Kallen and Sorid are able to hear my music?" Zira decides to try to explain it to her.

"Of course, they dance to your music every chance they get, not just the celebrations." Jessa says smiling at her parents. They are more than a little blown away by the new information that was given about Jessa and her parentage.

"Well, when two people hear my music and dance to it like they do, like you and Dhiren do, their souls unite. They are no longer whole with out the other. They will die, at least my children, but from what Jethro said it's likely you will as well."

"So you are saying that I have to allow Dhiren to court me once more?"

"You don't have to of course, but he will almost assuredly die and you probably will." Zira tells her plainly.

"I see. So what happens once I turn to my dragon form?" Jessa demands. There is so much information that it is hard for her to keep it straight.

"He will need to be with you when it happens or you won't likely survive the turning. And that, Ancient One is the problem and you know it!" Zira turns her anger to the gold dragon. 

"He will be needing to hold her and comfort her when she changes. You know damn well what will happen then."

The dragon deity looks at the two even now unconsciously holding hands.

"What will happen when he holds me?" Jessa asks more than a little afraid.

"Dragon scales are sharp and although your skin will be rather soft at first, the scales will still be sharp. He'll be cut by them. You being so connected to him as you are, you'll be compelled to help him. 

"Dragon saliva has healing properties, you will be unable to stop yourself from licking him. Once your saliva hits his blood, it will stop the bleeding but will cause him to be in agony."

The Ancient One looks to Zira and Jethro.

"With the work Jessa does, it is almost inevitable that she will be needing to turn. She fights dragon kin nearly every time she fights bandits. She will get some of the blood in her and that will start the turn.

"I'm sorry, Jethro, she will need to become full dragon at that time or she will die."

"Yet, it is in neither the best interest of the elves nor of the dragons for one of them to be a dragon and the other an elf. If he survives the pain of the saliva he will be able to survive the turning to dragon. But in order for it to happen you, as a third party must be willing to allow it.

"I know how much it will hurt you for Jessa to turn, so I will give you the honor to name her once she turns.

"Lady Zira, if Jethro will allow this to happen, and Dhiren is agreeable, are you willing to allow your child to become one of mine?"

Zira looks at the two lovers and smiles sadly as she nods, "It is in neither of our best interest to keep them apart at this time as you said. If he turns then he will be able to fly Jessa and she will be able to give the golds more dragons. In her human form she will be able to give the elves their heir to the throne as well."

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