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"Are you going to stay with me all day?" Jessa asks Dhiren as they wait at the hiring ground.

"Yep, once we leave Castlerock I will have to go back to my duties in Silva. You will be busy with your guarding duties and studies. I've spent more time with you these last few days then I have in all the time you came to Silva up until you were injured. Once you go back to work, we'll hardly spend time together again. I love you, Jessa, and want to spend this time together and get to know the person that I love."

Jessa looks up to Dhiren and smiles. "I love you too, and I'm sorry, you are right. Sorry for thinking it was because I was too weak to take care of myself."

Dhiren laughs, "You've been cleared by Alaric, you can already whip my ass again sparring. I have no doubt that you could take care of any one that would dare go against you. But that's why Sorsha is here. She is your personal guard until we return to Silva. You can out fight her, there is no doubt of that, but I won't leave you without protection until I have no choice to do so."

Jessa smiles even as she rolls her eyes at Dhiren's words. She gives him a hug to show that she appreciates his concern even if she doesn't think it's warranted.

Dhiren watches Jessa as much as he can without her knowing. He finally comes to a decision, "Jessa," he says.

"Yes, Dhiren?" Jessa has been waiting for him to speak. She had noticed his watching of her and found it funny.

"I know that you won't be pushed into marriage with me and I don't mean for right now, but, would you marry me?"

Jessa let's out a nervous laugh. This is about as unromantic a spot as you can get and this is where he chose to propose marriage? "Of all places you chose here to propose?"

"What better place, Jessa? You are a caravan guard, I'm not asking you to give that up at this time. When you feel that the time is right, then that is when we'll get married, if you say yes, not until then. If you want a more formal proposal, I can do it again at a more scenic or romantic location."

Jessa smiles softly at Dhiren. He does understand her in ways no one else ever has. Not to say he's perfect, but he's pretty good now that he isn't so damn arrogant with her.

"When the time comes, I will marry you. But Dhiren, you will have to cleanse the elves before that happens. Not only will that need to happen, but I will need to have the wedding cloth made and I will need to return to Silva for the celebration without forcing the issue. It will have to happen naturally. Then, I want only a small wedding presided over by Sorid."

"My family and yours, we'll have Alaric and if you wish Frosnak join as well. We can have any one there you want, all I care is if you are there at my side."

"Then you need to deal with the haters. That will be the biggest and most time consuming thing to be dealt with." Jessa tells him as she is enfolded in his arms.

"Kallen will set watchers on Snodgrass once he reaches Silva. Once I know who he meets up with I'll be able to determine just what needs to be done to get rid of the antihuman hate that has built up there. I will be working hard towards this cleansing. I need to have you with me." Dhiren whispers to her as he holds her tight.

He pulls back after a bit. He knows how much Jessa doesn't like public scenes and people are starting to come to the hiring grounds. He has to admit that he's not all that thrilled with them either, but he finds that he doesn't mind so much when it's Jessa.

"Kallen told me that you are, in fact, impressed by my fighting abilities. Why would he say that?"

Jessa looks at him like he was crazy, "You are kidding, right? Dhiren, other than Kallen, you are the only one that can even remotely keep up when going against me. You are an excellent fighter. There is no doubt to that. You are just lazy in certain areas. I'm hoping you will stop being lazy so that you will help me become an even better fighter myself. I need the best to become even better."

Adventures of JessaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz