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Jessa and Dhiren mingle about a bit in the crowd. Dhiren knows a few of the humans and introduces Jessa to them, but for the most part they are left alone. For once Jessa is thankful for the protocol to not talk to those you haven't been introduced to. 

Dhiren asks Jessa to dance but she declines. "I've never learned any of the human dances and have no desire to have these people look down on me." Dhiren is more than happy with her words. He has no desire to really dance in front of them either.

It takes some time, but the prince manages to get free from the councilors long enough to make it to their side. He takes them around and introduces them to some of the people that are there. In between Jessa manages to tell him a few things.

"I am going to tell you some things that will need to be bound to you by a spell. It will be for your protection and mine. Then I'll tell you what I can do to help you." Jessa quickly says but manages to do so without moving her lips.

Dhiren stares or wants to stare at her. He had no idea Jessa could do that. He makes small talk with the Prince while Jessa tells him what he needs to know. The Prince nods minisculely to Jessa as Dhiren talks about nothing.

Jessa says the spell under her breath and touches him seemingly by accident. The prince tries but fails to hide his reaction as the spell takes place. Seeing this, Jessa hurries her explanation. She emphasizes on the knowing all lies spoken so he knows that not even his lovers will be able to lie to him and the pain that will be involved.

The prince doesn't even have to think about it, "I'd rather know if my lovers are telling me the truth then have them lie to me, but the most important part is finding out those that are secretly trying to kill me or truly trying to help me. The sooner you can do this the better."

"We'll need to be private and you'll need to stay that way until after the pain."

"Ah, that might be a problem. I'm already getting looks from the advisors that my father depend on. I'll have to leave you shortly."

"Is there a garden or something we can walk in?" Dhiren speaks up in a normal tone of voice. "Jessa is finding the crowds a bit much and would like to go out for a breath of fresh air."

"Yes, of course. There is a  doorway at the end of the room. Open that and slip outside. It was open earlier but too many complained about how cold they were so it was closed. Personally I am getting a bit warm myself. I'll try later to slip out and catch some air as well."

Dhiren gives a slight smile as he thanks him and they turn from the prince and make their way to the door he mentioned. 

Once they are out Jessa shivers, but not from the cold. "I will be more than happy to never go back in there." She steps into the moonlight and immediately the moonstones start shining brightly once more, being recharged from the moonlight.

Jessa hears the nearly overwhelming music from the moon and has a hard time holding back from dancing.

Dhiren, too, feels the pull to dance and has a hard time resisting.

"You are even more lovely than I thought before, Princess Jessa Silverleaf." The prince says stepping out of the shadows and joins them.

Jessa faces him and gives him a brilliant smile. "You are being generous prince. No need to call me princess, we are of a rank, call me Jessa."

"Very well, Jessa, this is the best I can do. What do we do now?"

"I'll make a small cut on my hand and one on yours and place them together. Once some of my blood gets in your hand you'll know. The pain will be intense and excruciating. Are you sure that you wish to proceed?" Jessa tells him hurriedly. There is likely someone coming along to check on the prince before long.

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