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"Jessa," Sorid says then sighs, "I'm sure that you have questions."

Jessa sits up and smiles sweetly and that makes Sorid get ready for something she's not sure she wants to hear. 

"Why did Lady Zira allow it? She blessed Sorsha with Nathan's baby, why?" This time her words aren't sweet. She demands the answer from Sorid. Zira isn't known to approve of half elven children.

"Children, Jessa. Like me Sorsha is carrying twins." Sorid's words cause Jessa to swallow wrong and she starts choking.

"Children? Nathan is going to have two children?" Jessa finally chokes out after the coughing fit subsides. She wipes her tears away.

"Yes, she will be having twins. But there is a reason."

Sorid isn't sure that she likes the look Jessa is giving her.  She hurries on with her explanation. "Zira isn't omniscient, she can't see the future, but she knew that the chances were that Nathan and likely you wouldn't make it from that massacre. She wanted to give you something if you should manage to survive and Nathan not doing so. The chances of both of you surviving was almost nil. 

"Lord Jethro had been impressed with Nathan and also wanting to bless him for his help with you he will be blessing his children. The two will be raised to be the guards of yours and Dhiren's children. At least your first child, the crown prince or princess of Silva. Jethro will bless them much like he blessed you as you grew up here. They will be formidable guards for your child. Zira is more than pleased by this arrangement. As such I will be watching the children while Sorsha is doing her duty to you as you take your proper place at Dhiren's side."

"That won't happen for some time yet," Jessa says coldly. She doesn't like that Zira is trying to push the match again.

Sorid sighs, she knew that Jessa wouldn't like this part. "She is aware that you don't wish to take your place yet, Jessa. It still isn't safe for you here. That is Dhiren's job, although you made quite an impression with most of the elves when you dealt death to those bandits. You made great in roads to them accepting you. They are more than a little thankful that you took out the bandits and the army wasn't sent against them. There have been many praying for your recovery and health. The families of the spies that took part in the fighting would like to speak to you when you feel up to it."

Jessa laughs bitterly, "I'm sure they would. I have no desire to hear them blame me for bringing their loved ones to death."

Dhiren is shocked at Jessa's words, "Jessa, that's not why they would like to talk to you. Do you honestly think that I would allow them near you if that was how they felt?"

"Why else would they want to talk to me, other than to blame me for them being in that situation?"

"Jessa, I gave each of them the option to join in or not. They weren't ordered to fight, to help out. They did so because they wished to help their princess and because they wanted to keep their families and friends from having to fight. 

"They, Nathan, and you are the ones that fought the dragon kin. The other humans fought the normal bandits. All of you fought with bravery and valor. All of you showed yourselves to advantage. They killed more than most would have been able to do. Yet still you and even Nathan killed more. Although, Nathan didn't kill many more. They wish to talk to the one that saved the rest of them. They don't wish to blame you or degrade you in any way. I would never allow that."

Jessa snorts, "You allowed that plenty of times while I was growing up."

Dhiren sighs and hangs his head down, "Yes, I did, to my shame. That was then and now, now they wouldn't dare speak against you like that."

"At least not in your hearing they won't.

"I will see them after dinner, if they still wish to see me." Jessa tells Dhiren and Sorid.

"I'll let them know, Jessa." Sorid goes to Jessa and holds her tight. "I'm sure that Dhiren will be taking you from me soon. Be safe and take care. I will await for news about your health anxiously. Please keep me updated?"

Jessa smiles uncertainly, "Of course. I'll miss you, mother. You need to take care of yourself. Sorsha isn't the only one expecting two."

"Yeah, I know. Prince Dhiren has been on my case constantly. I'll take it easier now that you are feeling better." Sorid smiles at her and wipes away the tears that make their way down her face.

Sorid turns her attention to Dhiren, "Take care of her, Prince, she is very precious to us all."

Dhiren smiles softly at Jessa, "I will, she is the most precious person I've ever met."

Sorid stands and after inspecting them both she nods once sharply before leaving the room.

"Tomorrow, princess, we'll be leaving as early as your father likes to leave."

Jessa laughs a light tinkling sound. "We'll want to get to sleep early then."

"We?" Dhiren asks smirking.

Jessa looks at him, "Aren't you coming with? I was under the impression that you were."

Dhiren caresses her face, "Of course I am. I wouldn't let you go without taking you myself. I want to make sure you get there safely and your grandfather is watching over you."

"I was hoping to see the family of the caravan master that didn't make it before we get to Alaric's shop."

"We will if we can find out who it belongs to. You should inspect the shipment before we leave though. You are allowed to keep something for salvaging it."

Jessa looks down sadly, "I will. But I don't want much. I will feel like it's blood money. I couldn't save them. If I had gone in sooner then I might have been able to save them. I knew some of the guards..." Jessa starts to cry. The weight of their deaths is heavy on her.

"Hey, now, none of that. You did what you could. The master didn't wish to wait for you to go through first. He chose to enter after he knew the dangers."

"Doesn't change how I feel, Dhiren."

Dhiren gives a faint smile. He knows how she feels. It's how he feels and how Kallen feels when one of the men in the army falls because of their orders. "I understand, Jessa. Leadership comes at a price. Sometimes the price is indeed very heavy."

"Stay with me tonight? We don't have to do anything, but I don't want to be alone." Jessa asks him with tears in her eyes.

"Of course, my princess." Dhiren pulls her into his embrace and holds her as she lets out her tears mourning those that she failed to save.

Once her tears stop, "I'll just go to my room and pack for the trip. Then I'll come back here and have dinner with you and stay the night." Dhiren tells the now tired woman he sets down gently.

Jessa is too tired to say anything and just nods her head.

"We'll be taking the trip in three days, more if I think you are too tired to continue for the day. That ass can suck it up and go on his own if he doesn't like the speed we go at."

"He's still here?" Jessa says tiredly, her eyes already falling asleep.

"Yeah, but he's come close to being thrown off our land. The only reason he's not dead yet, is because of you. If you hadn't contracted with him I would have killed him some time ago for his disrespect."

Jessa smirks even as she falls asleep. Dhiren gives her a kiss on her forehead before returning to his room to pack and letting his father know that he will be leaving to take Jessa back to Castlerock.

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