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"Jessa, I will be leaving now, so that you might have time with your family without my bothersome presence. Before I do that, I have a couple of questions for you." Dhiren says after they had all retired after dinner to the other room to just talk and relax.

Jessa looks at Dhiren, but there is a hesitancy in her actions when she does. "Yes, Dhiren?" 

The other two take in sharp breaths, that hadn't paid attention earlier when she had done that. They await for Dhiren to explode at her.

"I need to know how you are fitting into your new life, like are you enjoying your job and will you likely be keeping it. And perhaps more importantly, have you made any friends? I know that you never had any here, other than your parents."

Jessa takes her time to think things over before answering the questions. "It's very different to live among humans. It's most definitely an adventure. So far I am enjoying or at least I am content with the guarding.

"One of the other guards that is with me on this caravan, he has befriended me. Perhaps next time I come through and he's working with me, I'll introduce you all to him. He has been helping me with adjusting to the differences between the elven lifestyle and the human one. Already he has taught me a lot." Jessa smiles at the thought of her friend. "He and the others know that I was raised near the elves and that's the only explanation they have for this favored status given to me. Thank you for that Dhiren."

Dhiren smiles, "Your friend would be welcome, as long as he remains in your company or that of your family. I hope you are able to make some more friends the longer you stay in the human world.

"I would like to speak with you privately before I go, if that would be alright with your family?" Dhiren directs that last part towards her parents.

Immediately Kallen and Sorid get up and excuse themselves from the room. Dhiren watches them leave before turning his attention to Jessa. "I want to say that I am pleased that you aren't so alone now. That had worried my parents and myself." Jessa looks at Dhiren and nods silently not breaking into his speech at all.

"I also want to thank you for allowing me to know the truth about your parentage and to give you my condolences about your father. I am happy for you that you are able to know about your parents. We had tried to find out more, but any that might have known were killed the day you were born."

"I know. It was perhaps the bigger shock for me when Alaric told me the truth about my parents."

"I can only imagine." Dhiren isn't sure just how to proceed, "I want you to know, that I would still like for you to be my partner for the celebration. We don't have to do more than the dance, if you won't be comfortable with the rites."

Jessa stands up and so does Dhiren, "Let me walk you out, Dhiren."

Jessa goes with him out of the house. Looking for and spotting the moon she points it out to Dhiren. "Sorid has told me that when a person is in harmony with the moon or in other words they are in favor of Zira, that they can hear her music. Tell me, prince, do you hear her music?"

Dhiren listens, but doesn't hear anything other than the usual nights sounds of Silva. Finally he gives up and shakes his head. 

Jessa on the other hand starts dancing and Dhiren is entranced as he watches her perform the dance of the celebration. At least the version for one dancer. There is a different version when there are two dancing together.

"I will be your partner, if you are still willing, once you are able to hear the music of Lady Zira."

Dhiren smiles at the beautiful female before him. "I understand. Still, the celebration is two weeks away, that will give me time to learn how to listen properly. Please, if you are here at the time, call for me?"

"There are no guarantees that I will be here in time. You should find yourself another partner." Jessa says flatly.

Dhiren gives her a gentle smile. "Ahh, but they don't compare in beauty to you. I will await for the time when you are here and I will be able to hear the music. Until such a time I will remain outside of the festivities and give a private celebration to Lady Zira."

This declaration causes Jessa's jaw to drop in shock. "But Dhiren, you have many that would love to be your partner. Indeed, that's all I would hear about near the time of the celebrations before. They would talk about who you were likely to ask and speculate if they had any chance to be yours that night."

Dhiren looks at her with amusement, "All of them?"

Jessa smirks, "Yeah, but the males would be the ones to talk about the females you were likely to be partnered with and partners of yours from before." It was well known that Dhiren didn't have the same partner twice, ever. Not since his fiancee was killed, oh so long ago.

Dhiren smirks back, "Well this year they will be able to speculate all they want, they are highly unlikely to pick you as my partner, and I won't take another until you allow me to be your partner. Good night, Jessa and for what it's worth, I wish you well on your journey in the morning. I will personally make sure that there won't be any problems with your caravan being let through."

Jessa still has a bit of her smirk on her face as well. "Thank you, Dhiren. I think we gave my parents heart attacks when I called you by your name and didn't use your title. You might want to reassure Kallen in the morning about that."

"I think that he will be asking you about that before he sees me again."

"True, but since I have no idea as to why you gave me that privilege you will need to explain it to him."

"Jessa, I would like to consider us friends," Dhiren tries to explain it to her. 

Jessa smiles and shakes her head. "Perhaps in time when you no longer hate humans, that will be possible. Good night, Dhiren. I will let you know when I come through again, even if it won't be in time for the celebration."

"Thank you, goodnight and safe journey."

Jessa pouts a bit, "Ahh, you take all the fun out of it." Jessa says teasingly but there is something in her voice that what she is saying, for her at least, is true.

That alarms Dhiren a great deal. "I would rather you have boring trips and arrive safely than have exciting trips and you be hurt, or your friends be hurt."

Jessa gives the prince a soft smile, "Thank you, prince. I will do my best to keep things peaceful." With that Dhiren is left alone in the night as Jessa returns to the house and her parents.

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