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Startled, you looked up from the book you were reading to see Jimin sitting across you and your eyes widened in surprise and shock, "How long have you been sitting here?" you asked him, "Just a few moments ago" he replied shortly and it was true he sat down just a few seconds before he was looking at you from across the library, "Oh.. um sorry, for not-" "It's alright" he cut you off chuckling, he honestly found that part of you very cute and passionate not like he was gonna tell you that. "So, um how can I help you?" you asked your voice sounding a bit nervous as you looked at him for a response, "Wow Y/n, I'm hurt" he said a small frown, "Can I not hang out with you just because I want to? Are we not friends??" he asked you, and you baffled by his response, stuttered out, "Uh.. N-No, no- not like that" you tried saying and he chuckled again, "I was just messing with you Y/n" he said with his infamous eye smile and you felt her heart skip a beat at that sight, "But I wasn't lying though... I wanted to hang out with you" he said and you suddenly noticed all the stares from other students directed towards you. Never a fan of having attention on yourself, you looked down to avoid their eyes "Oh.." you replied to Jimin and him not being satisfied with your answer, he looked at you and observed your actions and soon looked around to find people staring at you who looked away, as soon as Jimin turned to look at them. He rolled his eyes, not minding them and turned to look at you, still finding you in the same position, "So.. Y/n what were you reading?" he asked trying to build a conversation, you looked up to see him looking at you for an answer as you turned crimson red under his glance, "Oh... umm" you looked around at the table spread with different books and he looked down at those books too, "Never took you for a person who likes to read books" Jimin commented while taking a book in his hand and flipping through its pages, 'That's because she isn't Hana' his brain told him as he pressed his lips, "Yes of course" he muttered under his breath, "Hmm.. what?" you asked him, "What?" he asked you realising he had spoken his thoughts out, "Did you say something?" you asked him and he shook his head no,"No Y/n, I didn't" he said and you nodded your head thinking you were just imagining stuff, "The meaning hidden behind your odd dreams" he read the title of the book you were reading just now and flipped open its pages, you don't know what made you say the next words as you yourself looked shocked when you did so, "Recently I have been having these weird dreams and if I think about them too much and try to make it make sense, my head starts hurting" he looked up at you with a look on his face and you couldn't decipher what it meant, he nodded his head a bit before flipping the pages of the book again and you waited for a few moments before continuing, "There's this one dream or vision I don't how to call it, but it keeps repeating again and again.." you trailed off before continuing, "It's in the middle of a garden full of red roses and there's a guy standing there and there's this girl wearing a yellow dress who runs up to him as he catches her and twirls her around.. it seems way too real to be just a dream.. but it can't be real right?" she asked Jimin as she turned to look at him staring at her with his eyes wide blown, "D-Do you remember their faces?" he asked you and tried remembering only to end up with a head ache again, "I kind of do... I saw the guy's face last time I got this dream but I can't remember it vividly" you said massaging your throbbing temple, you almost jumped out of your chair when you felt Jimin's hand stroking your back. You found him sitting closer to you as he stroked your back in a comforting manner and a smile which told you not to worry about anything and you gave him a smile back as he retreated to back to his chair and you missed the warmth of his hand on your back. "Do you get any other dreams like this? If so how often?" he questioned you and you thought for a minute before answering, "I had another one were a women and a man were in the bed but it was very blurry" you explained and he looked like he was in deep thought, "Do you perhaps know what they mean?" you asked him and he looked at you with wide eyes before shaking his head, "No I don't Y/n" he said and breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "Dreams are always vague and weird Y/n" he said and he opened his mouth but closed it quickly, "I heard you are doing great in all of your classes and I'm so glad to hear it Y/n" he said with a proud smile and you smiled back, "Your mum would be so proud of you" he said and you smiled thinking about how proud your mum would be to hear it. Suddenly a question popped in your head, "Jimin?" you called him, "Hmm?" he replied not taking his eyes off the book he had in his hands, "Did you study here too?" you asked him as he was flipping through the pages, "Yes" he replied shortly. 'Interesting' you thought, "Who was the head master then?" you asked curiously, "Some old dude, why do you ask?" he questioned you, looking up from the book, "I was just curious" you replied and he nodded and went back to reading the book, "What were you like as a student?" you asked again as he looked with a look before answering, "I was..." he trailed off before continuing, "a good student" he said and you nodded understanding how he became the head master at such young age.. young age? You didn't really know how old he was since Vampires all look young, except a few who look old as they have lived for a longtime. Come to think of it, you don't know nothing about Jimin. If one moment he acts sweet, the next moment he acts all cold and distant, and now when you tried to ask him about how he was as a student, he seemed so reluctant to answer. Why does he act like this? Just now he said he was my friend you sighed and a frown took place on your lips which didn't go unnoticed by Jimin, he was the type of guy who doesn't like to share things and keep everything to himself and when you asked him about he was as a student, all those gruesome memories came back into his head and that is another reason he never tells anyone anything. He's afraid he might spill some stuff which he hadn't intended too and the other person would think of him as some weakling which he wasn't. Feelings and emotions were always too tough for him to express since that incident, which left him in pieces. If it weren't for Yoongi hyung who helped him pick up the broken pieces of him, he wonders how he would be right now. He shakes his head not wanting to think about it right now and stands up startling Y/n, he mumbles saying he has to be somewhere and dashes out of the library. "I'm sorry Y/n" he says to no one as he is sitting on the roof of the castle looking at the pretty night sky, dotted with bright stars, "I don't deserve you" he says sniffling as he hugs his legs to his chest. He stays there for a while drowning in the silence before he stands up wanting to return to his office to finish the work he been slacking off lately. There was a ruckus when he neared his office and he heard Yoongi's annoyed voice say, "Calm down women" he could imagine Yoongi rolling his eyes at the lady, "NO, YOU DON'T GET IT! I WANT TO SEE HIM!" he heard a girl scream as he stood in the doorway of his office, "I said I don't kno-" "JIMINN" she screamed before running off to hug Jimin as he almost stumbled his ground.


So we got an inside into Jimin's thoughts. I will try to update again today, take care y'all ♥️

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