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"Yes and now I want both of you ladies out of this room, Y/n needs to rest" Jin said sternly to which Seulgi gave me a fake smile and left, "Take care Y/n" Lisa said patting my head and left the room and you fell asleep after a bit. When you woke up the next morning, you saw Hobi entering the room with a tray in his hands and put it down on the table beside your bed, "Let's have breakfast" he said and started eating his own, you thanked him and started eating your own which he brought for you. After eating your breakfast, Hobi took the away the dishes. And then Jin came to check you and told you could go and attend your classes now. You had two more morning classes and you didn't wanna miss them so you rushed to your room to freshen up and change your clothes. When you were wearing your shoes, you heard someone knock on the door, "Come in" you yelled and continued doing your shoes when you looked up, your breath got hitched in your throat, "Ji- Jim- I mean Mr.Park?" you stuttered looking at him. He was wearing a black hoodie and a sweat pant. 'Is it possible to look this hot?' you thought as you checked out your headmaster.

"Done checking me out? Miss L/n Y/n?" he asked you raising his eyebrow, "No I wasn't-" "It's okay Miss Y/n, I am here to apologise for letting you get hurt again, it's my first and foremost duty as a headmaster of this place to protect my students...

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"Done checking me out? Miss L/n Y/n?" he asked you raising his eyebrow, "No I wasn't-" "It's okay Miss Y/n, I am here to apologise for letting you get hurt again, it's my first and foremost duty as a headmaster of this place to protect my students and I failed doing so" he said and sighed, "I'm sorry Miss Y/n, I will make sure no such things happens to you in the future" he said and continued "How are you Y- Miss Y/n?" he asked concerned "I am fine Mr.Park thank you for asking me" you said and smiled at him, "If you don't mind I have to go, I have a class to attend" you said politely and he took a step towards you, and opened his mouth to say something but closed it quickly, "I'm sorry Y/n" you heard a voice which sounded like Jimin's but he was right in front of you and he didn't say anything so you looked around to see if someone else was there other than you both, "Weren't you saying you were getting late Miss Y/n?" he asked reminding you about your class, "Oh yes" you said and he walked out of the room and you took my necessary items and left for class.


You and Hobi were sitting beside each other and it was the last class of the day and you both were tired and dozing off when you felt something being thrown at your face, you opened your eyes and looked down to see a piece of crumpled paper, you unfolded it, 'L/n Y/n, being the whore you are like your mother, I guess it makes you happy to be hoeing around two hot men, ain't I right?' said the paper and your blood started boiling and you looked around to see who threw it at you when you saw Seulgi smirking at you, "You Bitch" you said under your breath and at the exact time your class ended and students were going out of the class, "Y/n, Hobi come let's go to the library and complete our assignments first" suggested Namjoon, "You guys can head there first, I have some work to be completed" you said glancing at Seulgi "Okay then, see you Y/n! Let's go Hobi" said Namjoon and dragged Hobi out before he could say something and you got up and followed Seulgi out of the class and shoved her into a nearby wall, "It was you wasn't it?" you asked holding her against the wall, "What was me Y/n?" she asked chuckling, "Don't act innocent Seulgi, I know it was you who wrote this note" you said and held her by her collar, and by now some students had piled around you both "You guessed it right you little shit, but isn't that the truth tho? You hoeing around Mr.Park and also Hobi like the slu-" you didn't let her complete her sentence and slapped her right across the face, you heard many gasps from the students around you "She slapped Seulgi" "What a brave girl" said some students and Seulgi held her cheek, "You bitch" she said and gave you another slap and it soon turned into a fight with you pulling at her hair and her trying to kick you. "What nonsense is happening here?" said Jimin manoeuvring himself through the crowd that had now formed around you both, "STOP FIGHTING NOW" he shouted and you both stopped fighting, "YOU BOTH, TO MY OFFICE, NOW!" his voice boomed across the hallway as he walked away.


"Now tell me why were you both fighting like nomads in middle of the hallway" he asked eyeing you both, "She was the one who hit me first!" Seulgi yelled pointing at you, "Yeah, but you were the one who threw the note at me" you said through gritted teeth, "Note? What note?" Jimin asked and you explained what she did, "She's lying Mr.Park, don't believe in her lies" she yelled again, "You are the one who is lying now" you yelled at her, "SHUT UP YOU BOTH" he shouted at you two and you both looked down, "You both will have punishments, Miss Y/n will clean all the windows in the west wing and Miss Seulgi will clean all the windows in the east wing" he ordered, "That's not fair! East wing is much bigger than the West wing" Seulgi yelled yet again, "You will do as I say Miss Kang Seulgi if you want to stay in here and you must have known by now that I don't give a damn about how influential your parents are" he and smiled sarcastically at her, "Am I clear?" he asked us, "Yes Mr.Park" we said in unison, "Good now you both may go" he said and we bowed to him. You were about to leave the room when he called you, "Oh Miss Y/n, I have something for you could you please come with me?" he asked standing up, "Yes sure Mr.Park" you said and followed him out of his office.


He opened two huge doors and told you to come inside and Oh My God it was such a beautiful room.

"This is my room and please have a sit till I get back" he said politely and went into another room, "WOAHHH THIS IS SOO BEAUTIFUL" you said and admired the room when you tripped on something and fell flat on your face, "Ouch" you said while you g...

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"This is my room and please have a sit till I get back" he said politely and went into another room, "WOAHHH THIS IS SOO BEAUTIFUL" you said and admired the room when you tripped on something and fell flat on your face, "Ouch" you said while you got up and rubbed your nose, "What's this?" you took the book which you tripped upon and something fell out of it, you bent down and picked it up. It seemed like it was a very old photo of Jimin with this another man who looked so ethereal, 'No wonder vampires are so handsome' you thought and looked at this girl standing beside them she had blonde hair and looked very beautiful to the point where you became self conscious, "They look so beautiful, it should be illegal" you said and looked at another paper which fell down along with the picture, there was only one line written in it, "To: Park Seugmin" you read out loud, "You know it's rude to look into other's people's diary? If Jimin knew he would be mad" said a voice from right behind you.


Helo my dear readers as promised I am back with the next chapter🤗 I was supposed to update this a bit earlier but I was sleepy so I wanted to drink coffee and then I thought why not make the dalgona coffee? And it came out good, I liked it. I hope you all are staying safe, take care lovelies🥺💜

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