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"So are you saying that someone sent a letter saying bad things are about to happen in there?" asked Jungkook shocked, "Yes, I heard some girls from our school talking about it" Lisa said and we were shook to hear about the new information, "Who do you think did that?" asked Jungkook, "Maybe his rival or someone like that" said Namjoon and you nodded your head agreeing with him, "Might be" Lisa said, "The actual fuck" Jungkook sweared and we looked at him, "Bro I thought they gave us some time off because we were having too much to study" he said and Lisa rolled eyes, "You are dumb for thinking that" she said and he scoffed, "Whatever, let's head out for sometime" he said standing up and you all followed him out. "I'm going to go and talk to the young ladies over there" he said standing up and went towards a table with a bunch of girls who literally had only two piece of clothing hanging loosely around their private parts and Lisa's face turned to distaste, "He really has no taste" she said almost about to gag when she saw that one girl was already showing her tongue down his throat, "Well let him be, the girls are going to die later or sooner when he fucks them" you said and Namjoon nodded, "Let's go to the arcade over there" he said pointing towards one and you were wondering how the heck was a gaming arcade open this late at night but you followed Namjoon dragging Lisa together with you.


Jimin woke up his eyesight still a bit blurred as he stood up and went searching for his hyung, "Hyung where- Oh! there you are" he said spotting his hyung who was too emmersed in his work to notice Jimin's presence, "Hyung" he called for the older male and he looked up from his papers, "Oh you are awake, how are you feeling?" his hyung asked him, "I think I am feeling pretty good, you can always count on Jin hyung" he said smiling, and the other furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Weren't you unconscious Jimin?" he asked him, "Did you forget about the gift Chaeyoung gave me?" he asked smirking and realisation hit Yoongi, "Oh" was all that came out of his mouth, "Well yes and I think we have made the security around here tighter, so do you think we should call the students back?"


A girl wearing a yellow sun dress, entered into a garden full of red roses, her black luminous hair shining and bouncing as she ran towards a man standing in the centre of the garden. A huge smile playing on her lips, she called his name and he turned to look at her and at the exact same time she jumped into his arms and he caught her and twirled her around, a soft smile playing on his lips looking at his beautiful girl.

You woke up your with your head and your neck aching very badly and it made Lisa sleeping beside you stir in her sleep, "What happened Y/n?" you heard Namjoon's voice which startled you a bit, "Nothing I just had a dream" you mumbled trying to remember their faces but you couldn't. "You sure it was just a dream?" he asked arching his eyebrow, "Yes Joon, it was just a dream" you replied tying your hair up in a bun, "Then why- wait!" he said looking at you while tilting his head a bit, "Umm.. yes?" you asked him, "I just thought I saw- nothing" he said going back to read the book in his hands. You shrugged it off and went back to sleep.


"Did you do what I asked you to?" the guy sitting on a chair asked, "Yes master" the other guy replied a bit terrified, "Did you hurt her?" he asked him again, "Other than what you told me, no master" he replied, "She didn't see you right?" he asked narrowing his eyes towards him, "Ma- Master" he stuttered, "Yes or no?" he asked in a stern voice again, "I - I am not su - sure about tha- that ma- master" he replied, "Well okay, you may go now" he ordered and the other guy sighed in relief while bowing down and turned around to leave when the Master with a snap of his fingers decapitated him, "Why did you kill him for? He was a good guy" came a girl's voice from behind the pillar and the Master ordered everyone to move out of the room, "Just admit that he was one among your sex toys, you never bother when I kill someone" he said arching an eyebrow at her, and she smirked, "A good toy indeed, I will miss him" she said without a bit of emotion in her voice as she made that guy's face turn to the other side with her heels, "Why are you looking at me like that" she asked not sparing that Master a glance, "I thought you only loved him" he spat at her, "Isn't this what you do as well?" she asked smirking knowing that she had pushed his button, "Don't you dare-" "Even if I did shut up.." she trailed off coming near him, "It won't change what you did"


"OH MY GOD REALLYY??" you asked your eyes going wide with surprise, "That's what they said" your mum, "SO THAT MEANS WE CAN GO BACK TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!" Lisa yelled getting excited and you both hugged each other in excitement, "Where is your friend Jungkook by the way?" your mum asked, 'Probably hiding some dead bodies' Lisa thought to herself while rolling her eyes and before she could say anything you cut her off, "He um went back to his home since he had some unfinished business" you smiled and your mum just nodded, "Well you three sit down have some food" she said and you all sat down to eat food. "I think he is frantically trying to hide the dead bodies of the humans he fucked yesterday" Lisa said rolling her eyes, "How come are you so sure about that? For all we know, he could have just went to his home" you said trying to defend Jungkook, "I think we should ask him" said Namjoon motioning towards where Jungkook was walking down the streets, "KOOK" you called for him and he heard you and came into your home, "Where were you last night?" you asked him, "I was at my home" he replied shrugging his shoulders, "You sure you weren't fucking that girl who had her tongue down your throat?" Lisa asked him and he made a 'What tha fuk?' face while looking at her confused, "Oh don't act innocent Jeon" Lisa said rolling her eyes, "I took a pledge that I wouldn't fuck any humans till I turn 100..." he trailed off, "Do you think I would still do that after I killed that girl?" he asked and your eyes widened, "Uhh yes.. I kind of got too excited and forgot that she wasn't a vampire and she died turns out I had been fucking her corpse for most of the time" he said and it was your turn to make a 'What tha fuk boi you kiddin me?' face but the look on all the three of their faces was so serious that you had to believe what he just said, "Anyways good news is we are going back on monday" Lisa yelled making your mood light up again.


I wanted to update twice today but looks like that's too difficult for now :((
I also have an exam coming up.. again. So imma try my best to finish this book as much as I can but the story still has a long way to go🌚 N e ways, I hope you guys liked the update, stay safe babies <3

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