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tw: Mentions of sexual abuse

After getting some fresh air, you felt better and you decided to head back to your room, on your way you met hobi and asked him what had happened back then, he replied saying that he doesn't know and told you to go the infirmary and get yourself checked by a doctor. You nodded hesitantly unsure why he asked you to go to the infirmary but you complied and went to the infirmary and told Jin who was there at that time about what happened and he healed you and told you to go take some rest, you thanked him and left. You opened the door to your room without knocking and barged in while Lisa was dressing, she shrieked and put on her dress quickly but it didn't go unnoticed by you, "Lisa! What are those scars?" you asked her, your eyes wide in shock and feeling worried, she had lots of scars on her back and it was slowly starting to heal but the purple and red marks were still there. She let out a huge sigh and looked at you with a sad smile, "So you saw it?" she asked you and you nodded, "It was about time I told you so listen closely, I'm not gonna repeat this again" she said and made herself comfortable on the bed while hugging the pillow close to her and motioned you to sit opposite to her, you slowly made your way to her bed and sat down, your attention on her. "Um I don't know where to start so I'll just start saying whatever comes to my mind first" she said and took a long breath you understand how difficult it must be for her to open up so you take her hand in yours and draw circles on the back of hand hoping it would give her signal to take it slow and that you would understand her and it seems she understood what you meant as she sent a small smile towards you, "My parents are abusive, my biological mother commited suicide when I was 7 because she couldn't bear the torture my dad was giving her, he was cheating behind my mother with another woman for a long time, and he used to hit and abuse her a lot so she commited suicide" she said and took a breath and continued, "After she died my dad married that woman and they already had kids. They are younger than me but they also treat me like shit. My dad started sexually abusing me after my mom passed away and he still does it" she said, her voice shaking and getting teary eyed, she was holding in her tears, "You don't have to hold back your tears Lisa" you said softly and she nodded looking down at her lap, "I honestly don't know what I did to deserve this" she sniffled and continued after a moment, "I'm basically a slave there, if I don't do what they ask me to they hit me with whatever is visible in the field of their eyesight, crowbar, hammer, belt you name it" she said and tears were starting to pool in your eyes too, "I really don't want to go there but they won't let go of their slave that immediately would they?" she said laughing bitterly, "They were not ready to send me here fearing their dirty acts would be exposed" she spat, "but the neighbours knew about me so they reported here to the now ex-headmaster about it and it became a big issue so they had to send me here. But no one in the teaching staff knows about me getting abused they just thought my pare- I don't even want to address them like that" she said her voice angry and tears now flowing down her face, "Well everyone thought they were misers but that's not the case and they threatened to kill me if I ever told any officials about it and I'm scared so I never told anyone" she said sobbing and shaking, you engulfed her into your arms as she cried in your embrace, on your shoulders, "Lisa you never did anything wrong, if anyone's wrong it's them and they will pay the price for this. I'm so proud of you for putting yourself through such hard times and still never giving up. You are so brave, so admirable Lisa, please do know that you me, Jungkook, Hobi and Namjoon by your side you can always depend and lean on us okay?" you said and rubbed her back giving her reassurance that you were there for her, "Thank you so much Y/n, you being here for me and listening to me is more than enough for what I could I ask for in a friend, you are truly an amazing friend and I'm glad I got to know you" she said and you felt tears brimming in your eyes, Lisa just said that you were an amazing friend, you couldn't believe it and you started crying too. You both whispered soothing things to each other and slept in each other's embrace.


Rosè was walking towards an deserted area in the middle of the forest and started cleaning the ground, she started chanting something inaudible and made signs with her hand and summoned some stuff out of nowhere, she sat down and started opening all the materials one by one and placed them in a old torn cloth which had some stuff written on it in an ancient language, she placed the cloth on the ground and started chanting again this time the ground started shaking and a piece of land started raising high on its own, she opened her eyes and smirking she jumped over onto the piece of land which had the shape of triangle embedded on it. She placed the piece of cloth in the middle of the triangle which had a weird symbol on it, she put the hair she got from Jimin and cut her hands letting some of her own blood drip on it and started chanting something inaudible and made signs with her hand and whole triangle started lighting up on its own without any source of external light and the wind started to blow at all directions at a high speed making it impossible for her to open her eyes, "Who had the audacity to summon me?" came a voice and Rosè smirked in victory

Jungkook started sweating profusely and Namjoon was very concerned, he's been trying to wake up the boy for the past half an hour and he wouldn't budge but his face was twisted in an uncomfortable manner and now he was sweating, 'Is this what I think it is?' Namjoon thought to himself when Jungkook woke up yelling "NOO" and started panicking. Namjoon had a hard time trying to calm the now crying and panicking Jungkook to make him talk sensible words, when he finally calmed down he gulped thickly in fear and looked at Namjoon dead in the eyes and said, "He's been revived, I saw it" Namjoon felt his mouth turn dry, his stomach turning into a huge knot, his heart beat rising as well as feeling like it was drowning every minute and his pupils shaking in fear he said, "We have to let Jimin know about this" he said almost inaudibly his voice shaking in fear.


I wonder what happened😟

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