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Walking through the empty corridors to your room, your ears picked up the faint sounds of whispering coming from a empty classroom, being the curious cat you were you slowly crept up to the door of the classroom from where you heard the whispering, "But still.. she survived" you heard Seulgi's voice, "She won't be surviving for too long" you heard a woman's voice, which you recognised as Rosè's, your eyes widening in shock, not able to believe your ears, you stood there wanting to listen more, "What are you gonna do next?" Seulgi asked her and there was a momentary silence, furrowing your brows in confusion, you peeked in through a small gap through the door to see Rosè staring out through the window, "You will get to know about it when it happens" she said and turned around and just in time as you backed away from the door, 'What the hell is going on?' you thought and walked away from there not wanting to have any interaction with those two twats. 'So Rosè was the one behind the whole thing?' you thought while still walking to your room, 'But why?' you thought as you opened the door to see Lisa sleeping on the bed which was kind of rare as she never sleeps. You looked at her for a moment and then sat down to study till your classes started.


"No Y/n.. I honestly don't remember falling asleep" Lisa said as you raised your brows, "You must have fell asleep because of fatigue" you said and sat down to eat the food, "But still I don't remember falling asleep" she said, "There's nothing wrong with getting a few hours of sleep" you said and she snorted, "Not if I have a due assignment" she said and hurriedly drank the blood and fled out of the dining hall, "What happened? Why is she running away like that?" Jungkook asked as he took a seat beside you and Namjoon sat beside him, "She fell asleep so she didn't complete her assignment" you replied to him ate a piece of pancake, "Oh" he said and popped in a cherry into his mouth, "Oh hey Hobi!" you heard Namjoon say and looked up to see Hobi smiling brightly and approaching you, "Helo everyone" he said and took a seat beside you, "Hey beautiful" he said and winked at you, "Hey handsome" you said smiling at him and he giggled, "By the way Y/n, I heard what happened.. are you okay now?" he asked you while holding your hand, "I'm okay now Hobi" you said and his smile faltered a bit, "I'm really sorry Y/n, I wasn't there at that time" he said not meeting your eyes, "Hey that's okay" you said placing your hand on his shoulder, "I just feel very guilty Y/n" he said and looked at you with a saddened expression, "Hobi, it's okay, don't be.. they all took care of me well" you said and gave him a small smile, "Now eat well" you said giving his shoulder a little squeeze and focused on eating your food, "And I'm done" you heard Lisa's voice as she sat across from you, "Done with what?" Hobi asked confused, "Oh, my assignment" she replied, "By the way Hobi when did you return?" she asked him, "Today" he replied shortly and you knitted your brows in confusion and looked at him, "So you weren't here yesterday?" you asked him and he looked slightly shocked as he looked at you while sipping his drink, "No Y/n" he replied and you got more confused, 'Then who did I see yesterday?' you thought as he raised his brows at you and you shook your head and continued eating your food, "Y'all better eat your food faster if you don't want any punishments" Jungkook said as he walked away with Namjoon.


All the classes for the day had got over and you were now making your way to the library to complete as assignment which was due tomorrow, on your way to there you saw Seulgi and her minions and giggling and gossiping, you tried to escape from there without getting their attention, just as you were about turn around the corner, you were stopped by Seulgi and her minions, "Oh.. if it isn't the great Y/n" she said and you could feel their stares burning your back. You certainly did not want to spoil your mood and sure enough you did want to complete your assignment by today so you did what came to your mind first. Run. You ran where your legs took you to without turning back around and you could hear one of her minions chasing you. You hid behind a giant statue when you no longer heard her following you. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest and you placed your hand over it to calm it down. You took deep breaths and after a few minutes, you came out from behind the statue after making sure no one was there. You sighed in relief and looked around to find your way back to library when you realised you were completely unfamiliar with this side of the castle. "Oh shit, I think I'm lost" you mumbled and tried to remember the way you came in running here. After pondering upon which way to go, you started walking to the right thinking it was the way out from this side of the castle not knowing you were going further deep into the castle, "I didn't even know there were places like this here" you said to yourself while admiring the majestic statues and wondrous paintings. One of paintings got your attention the most and you went near it to examine, it was a painting of a woman floating in the air while her long red robes were dancing in the air, she held out a wand in one of her hand pointing it at a man, whom you recognised as a demon. You didn't know why this painting caught your attention the most but you were awestruck by looking at this picture Their faces weren't detailed, leaving you wondering why? 'Almost all the paintings here are very detailed then why isn't this painting detailed?' you thought, "Who is she?" you whispered while allowing your fingers to slide over her figure in the painting. You came out the daze when you heard a loud noise coming from somewhere around you. You flinched and looked around, when you heard yelling coming from somewhere around you, "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" you heard a man yell and you were shocked to hear someone yell that loudly, trying to find the where the voice had come from, your eyes soon found 2 doors open ajar and you were debating whether to eavesdrop or not as you have been doing that for quite a long time now, "ARE YOU EVEN IN YOUR RIGHT FUCKING MIND?" you heard the guy's voice again. You were about to go back to finding your way back to library when you heard that guy yell again, "THIS IS WHY JIMIN WILL NEVER FALL FOR YOUR PATHETIC ASS, FORGET ABOUT HIM I'M GONNA KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS" you heard him say and your eyes widened, 'What in the world is going on there?' you thought and slowly went back to the door while hearing continuous noise of things being smashed down, you peeked in a little to see Rosé being held against the wall by her throat, by the guy whom you assumed was yelling all this time. His back was facing you so you couldn't see his face but you could see that Rosé was begging him to leave her and after a few minutes he finally let go of her and she collapsed on the floor coughing, she stood up shakily and took a nearby bottle and drank what you assumed is some medicine and she looked a bit better, "Nothing happened to her, she is safe and sound.. Of course Jimin wanting to be the hero that he is, he saved her and you exposed yourself" she spat and you could sense he was triggered, "THAT DOESNT JUSTIFY WHAT YOU DID" he said and Rosé shrugged her shoulders, "You don't tell me what to do and what not to do" she said and sat on the couch, "You killed her last time, is it not enough? That you want to kill her again?" he asked her and you were beyond confused, "I don't know what you are saying" she said and looked towards where you were standing, 'How tf does this woman know where I am standing?' you thought rolling your eyes, "Don't play innocent Rosé, I know you are the one who killed Hana, and I do know that you are planning on killing Y/n" he said and your jaw hung open in utter shock, "Think what you like to" she said and you no longer wanted to listen to them and so you slowly stepped away from there in shock and confusion. 'What did I just hear?' you thought as you walked somewhere mindlessly, your thoughts still clouded with confusion about what you just heard.


I don't think this chapter came out well😬

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