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The night fell upon making you even more restless, the scene from the morning replaying again and again in your head the whole day making you want to puke as you felt a knot in your stomach. And you started to bite your nails and play with the hem of your skirt. Lisa noticed your unusual behaviour and came and sat next to you, "Y/n? Is there something troubling you?" she asked you with concern and worry in her eyes. And you began debating whether you should tell her or not. You have never had a friend before so you didn't know how it is to have someone by your side to ask you how your day went, to comfort you when you were sad... you had never experienced the feeling of having a friend maybe now you will? A sense of hope rose inside of you and you let out a sigh and told her everything about Jimin, how you met him, how you go out at night just to meet him, but leaving out the part where you both almost kissed. You knew that if you told her you would get teased for an eternity about it so you left out that part, you told her what happened the other day with Hobi, how he got angry and also the incident which took place in the morning.

"I know Seulgi all well, this is something she always does, being a slut is her second profession" she said and you got confused, "Second? Then what's the first?" you asked her curiously, "Being a dumb bitch that she is" she said with a straight face which made you laugh a bit. "You know what she did last year? She slept with one of the professors so she could pass her finals" she said as your eyes went wide with shock, "How-" "How do I know?" Lisa asked cutting you, "Well the whole school knows, their sex tape went viral and the professor got thrown out" she paused a bit before continuing, "Well her parents are influential people" she said answering my question that you were about to ask. "Do you think she did 'it' with Jimin?" you asked Lisa, even the thought of them together brought a distaste to your mouth "She must have tried something and probably got rejected by him" she said, "hopefully" you replied. "Y/n" she said softly placing her hand on yiur shoulder, "I think you should go and talk with Mr.Park, I don't think he's mad at you or anything. It must be your imagination" she said giving you a small sad smile, "Yes I think so too Lisa" you said and stood up. "I will go talk to him now" you said and looked at her, she gave you a smile and you nodded leaving your shared dorm to search for the man who has invaded your thoughts all the time, Jimin.


You searched for him almost everywhere but you couldn't find him, you were disappointed and were about to give up searching on him when you remembered the room where you both went to see the stars, the library. That was your last hope, you wacked your brain trying to remember where the library was. After a few minutes of searching, you were infront of a big door to the library and pushed the door open, it was pitch black inside and you couldn't see anything. You heard the door closing on its own behind you and it startled you a bit. You kept on walking in the darkness not knowing where you were going to calling for his name hoping to find him here. You suddenly felt something brush past your ankle and you let out a yelp and jumped back it was then when you felt something sharp digging through your skin at the back. The pain was agonising and unbearable, when you touched your back with your hand you felt something wet and soon realised it was your own blood. You felt more blood draining out of your body and you felt weaker and weaker with each minute passing when you saw a shadow of a person behind you. He grabbed your wrist harshly and shoved you into the wall, your one side of the face hitting wall with a bang and your back was being pressed against his chest as he slowly took out his knife dragged the tip of it against the skin of your face and you soon realized that it was your own blood but smelled something else too... silver 'No I can't die' you thought and started pleading him, "Please... P-Pl-please don- don't ki-kill m-me" you stuttered in fear as thick tears were streaming down your face. He let out a cold chuckle, "I'm not here to kill you sweetheart" he said kissing your now wet cheek and you felt disgusted by the feeling of his lips on your cheek "I'm here just to remind you whom you belong to..." he continued "You are mine Y/n, only mine and you belong to me. Stay away from him or the consequences won't be good" he said and tried to kiss your lips and you tried using all the energy you had left in you and pushed him away using your power and fell down senseless, your vision blacking out.


When you opened my eyes, you couldn't understand anything for a second before you remembered what happened and looked to your side to see Jimin holding your hand tightly, your fingers interlocked. And then your eyes met his mesmerising ones, those eyes which you would love to drown yourself into. "How are you?" he asked you, his voice gentle and soothing like music to your ears, his eyes were slightly red filled with concern 'Was he perhaps crying? But why?' you thought before answering him, "I feel somewhat better Jimin" you replied smiling lightly to show that you were feeling okay. A sigh of relief left his mouth and he lowered his head before lifting it again, his eyes meeting yours, "Do you know how scared I was? When I saw you laying in a pool of your own blood..." he said tears brimming in his eyes "What happened Y/n? Who attacked you?" he asked you and you began telling him what had happened, "How did you find out I was there Jimin?" you asked him curiously, "Whenever anyone uses their power, we get to know about it almost immediately" he said and continued, "When I got to know that someone used power at the early morning, when students aren't allowed to come out, I found it very weird... and I came to where you were just in time to see someone going out through the window.. I couldn't do anything to catch him as your life was in danger" he said pushing his hair back, "I think I have to talk to some people about the lack of security in here, I don't want any other student to be hurt" he said and you nodded. "Umm.. Jimin!" you held his wrist stopping him from going, "I want to tell you something.." he motioned his head for you to keep going, "That day when you saw Hobi and me late at night in the corridors, I just happened to meet him here... we have nothing going on" you said implying that you and Hobi weren't together, "And what do you want me to do about that miss Y/n?" he asked crossing his arms against his chest, "Nothing Mr.Park I just wanted to apologise" you explained feeling a bit hurt, "You have explained it now miss Y/n, please take some rest" he said and left without saying any other word. You felt embarrassed and hurt... maybe you were right.. he didn't have any feelings for you. You sighed and closed your eyes again feeling tired.


You were in a dark forest and were running fast, away from something.... more like someone. "You can't run away from me Y/n" the voice echoed through the dark forest and you tripped on something and fell down your face first when you turned around there was a dark figure hovering above you, his pale slender finger going for your throat and choking you and you tried to break free from his hard grip around your neck when you heard him say, "You are mine Y/n, only mine and you belong to me. Stay away from him or the consequences won't be good" you started coughing vigorously and tears were streaming down your face, "P-Ple-Please d-don-don't k-kil-kill m-me" you said trying to get his hands off you.

You came into consciousness when you felt someone actually choking you and your vision turned blurry making it impossible to see whoever was choking you, "I hope you die Y/n, I hate you"


A/N: Heloo guys, me is back with anotha chapter🤗 I'm sorry I promised I would post frequently but I had writer's block and also online classes aren't helping at all😓 At some point I thought of discontinuing the story because I didn't have any motivation to write it.. But my writer's block is slowly yeeting away :> I know this chapter is short and sorry it ain't that great hopefully I will improve in future. N e ways have a good day/night guys, love y'all <33

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