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Finally, you reached home after half an hour of walking around the whole neighbourhood.. you pretty much got lost and then somehow with your mum's help you managed to reach home.

You knocked on the door and it opened to reveal to the most beautiful person to ever exist on this planet, your mum. Her eyes shone brightly out of happiness at the sight of you and her lips formed into a big smile as she engulfed you into her arms..
"Y/n! I'm soo glad to see you my dear" she said "I'm happy to see you too mum! But don't kill me with your hug mum, please let me breathe!" you said as she broke the hug "Oh right, sorry dear" she said as she pinched your cheeks softly and said, "Omo! Look at you! How beautiful you've grown to be!" you replied, "And look at you mum, you still look soo beautiful!! If I ever reach your age, I'm sure I would be looking like a 90 year old Ahjumoni..." "Aish! Stop saying stuff like that Y/n! You'll become more and more prettier as you grow" said your mum.

As you both were talking, she asked you, "Did you tell to your friends that you have dropped out of school?" Her question caught you off guard and you stuttered,"Huh? What? Oh Ye-Yes, Yes I did" you said as looking away from her because you didn't want to look into her eyes while lying.. "Hmm good. Don't worry you will make even better friends in here!" She said cheerfully as she started to caress your face.. It pained you in all honestness to see her beautiful smile, but you had to lie..'I can't let her know what happened in there..' you thought as you started to space off..

"Y/n? Y/n? What were you thinking? I guess you must be tired from all the travelling and stuff, I suggest you to go and take some rest.. Oh wait right here, I'll go and get you some blood to drink for the night.." she said as she stood up and went into the kitchen.

You noticed something like small purse on the floor, 'This must be mum's, I think it probably fell out of her pocket while she got up.. I should give it to her' you thought as you picked up the purse and called your mum.. You were about to walk into the kitchen when you saw something like a photograph which fell out of your mum's purse. You picked it up and saw that it was a family picture.

Tears started to roll down your cheeks as memories started to flash back in your head.. as soon as you saw your dad's face and you collapsed crying right there.. You never really cry much.. but today seeing this picture you broke down crying.. It was a picture which was took on your 1st birthday, the time when dad was still with you. A few years after that he got into a car accident while returing home from work for your birthday party.

You could still remember that night like just yesterday... When your father died. But they couldn't find his body anywhere. When your mum came back to the living room and saw the photograph which you had in my hand and your obvious broken state, she placed the jug on the table and came towards you and hugged you tight. You cried even harder knowing what your mum had to go through.. Your mum started to rub your back while whispering soothing words and that made you calm down a bit and then she took you to your room and sat beside you on the bed. You laid down on your mum's lap as she started to hum a lullaby which she used to sing to you, when you were young.. and you slowly drifted off into your dreamland.........

Helo guys🤗 I'm back with another chapter!! Sorry took me quite long to post as my school just started😩 and I have a lot of work..But I promise I'll never fail to give you quality content!!! Sorry for my grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language. And don't be a ghost reader, please do comment!

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