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You woke up because of your throbbing head and sat upright massaging your temples when you heard the sound of metal clinking together. You rubbed your eyes as your vision was blurred and saw that your hands and legs were tied with a metal chain to the wall. Confused, you tried remembering what had happened, you remembered having a conversation with Seulgi but as you were leaving, someone injected something in your neck and made you unconscious and then you remembered a blur memory of men having horns atop their heads and eyes as red as lava beating you up. You tried remembering more but your throbbing headache did not let you do so. You tried standing up only to fall down as your legs were weak and you were exhausted beyond words. Your thirst for blood was beginning to take over your senses and you could feel your fangs starting to grow which only happened when a vampire is very thirsty for blood or very angry and you knew that you had to get a control over it otherwise it won't end good. You heard the door open and your vampire instincts made you jump upon the person only to fall back down as your hands and legs were chained, you let out a growl at the demon standing in front of you and it seemed as if he was scared to take a step towards you, "I should get her some blood" you heard him say before he ran away, you tried calming yourself but you were too thirsty to hold yourself back. You heard footsteps approaching you and you looked up to see the demon place a Bottle full of blood infront of you, "Drink it up" you heard him say and you quenched your thirst for blood and your fangs returned to their normal state, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to jump on you" you apologized and he frowned, "Vampires always find a way to insult us and now you are apologizing" he sneered at you and you chewed on your bottom lip as your gaze fell down to your chained hand, "Why did you chain me here?" you asked them, "Well,you made a grave mistake entering here without any prior permission from our King" one demon said, "So you ought to be treated like this" he said as he kicked you hard and you fell down and hit your head against the hard floor and they started laughing, "I thought vampires would be more stronger than this" he said and you struggled to get up, "Please don't harm me, I didn't do anything" you pleaded them as you tried to make yourself sit upright, "Vampires and Demons are arch enemies. You should have thought about it before entering our land" one of them said before making their way out, "But Demons got defeated by Vampires in the war of death throes" you said and you immediately regretted saying it as you felt one of the demon rashly lifting you up by your hair and you let out a yelp, "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE" he yelled at you and threw you against the wall. You hit the wall hard and fell down, they shut the door walked out and you stared at the brick wall in front of you, hoping that someone would come in by breaking in the wall and save you like it always happened movies those humans watch. You sighed and looked at your legs and hands which were fully covered in bruise. You couldn't make yourself believe that Seulgi did this only because of her jealousy. Maybe you will have to rot to death in here. A single tear escaped from your eye as you remembered about your Mom, Lisa, Hobi, Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin and Jimin... Jimin. Everything you were going through right now was only because of your stupid crush on him, you sniffled and let out more tears to fall down. You were helpless and if you wanted to live you had to listen to them. You looked out through the only small window in that room, the sky was red and there was no sun to be seen, you stood up on your tip toes and peeked out through the window and you were shocked to see the person whom you least expected to be here.


Jimin took a deep breath and made himself ready to go into the demon world, though he himself was a strong vampire, he ought to be careful and cautious to not to be caught by those deadly creatures, worse if he gets caught and they take him to the king, he wasn't sure if he would be able to return back to his home. Yes, it sure was risky but he had to do it as it was an order from his father, who is also the king of vampires. Yoongi nodded at him, signalling that the door to that world was open and that he should enter, "You have done this many a times Jimin, I am sure that you would be able to do it this time too" he smiled at his younger brother, Jimin gave his brother a small smile and entered through the door, to the other world. Whenever he set foot into the demon world, after travelling through the door it always made him feel nauseous and would give him a massive headache. But as he had done this so many times, he had learnt to get adjusted to the atmosphere of the demon world. Now he has to be careful to not get caught by those creatures as he silently crept through the back of the houses of demons. Once he was sure that he wasn't in the main area of the market, he looked around to make sure that he was alone and started to take note of what his father had told him to. He noticed a new shop there which he was sure wasn't there when he had visited last time, he shrugged and continued to make his way towards the palace.


"What happened why are you so tensed?" Rosè asked him, "Don't act like you don't know, Y/n is missing for the past three days and Jimin is not here either" he said as he slammed his fist on the table, Rosè raised an eyebrow at him, "If you are so worried for her, go and get her out of there yourself" she said shrugging her shoulders, and he narrowed his eyes at her, "So you know where Y/n is... Don't lie to me Rosè, are you behind it?" he asked her his patience running out as he was worried about you, "Yes I do know where she is.. but I'm not behind it" she said as she sipped the blood from the goblet, he clenched his jaw in anger and impatience, "It's that girl, am I right?" he asked her and her lips stretched to a sweet fake smile, "I should have known that bitch would do something to my Y/n" he sneered through gritted teeth as he stood up and walked towards the door, "Don't let the demons get you baby" she said in a innocent baby voice which made the male want to puke, "How does Jimin survive being with her" he mumbled as he rolled his eyes.


Who do you think is going to save Y/n?

A/n:Who do you think is going to save Y/n?

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