Chapter 9 (Part 2)

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That night, after dinner, I had another bath with Reumi. I never got a straight answer as to why I had to stay in the Demon Lord's room for so long,  but I was sure it had to do with that person from the barracks. I also got no explanation as to why I was stuck sleeping with Reumi.

Her room felt empty. It was just a bed in the middle of the room, nothing else. Then again, I'm no sure if a slime like her would even need that.

I got undressed and sat on her bed. She went completely blue and morphed into a kid, just like me. It was like looking into a mirror, except the blue hair and white eyes. She was flailing around, since she still couldn't speak.

I could hear weird sounds coming from above us, it was faint, but it sounded like someone was crying or something. Reumi covered my ears when I was trying to figure out where it was really coming from. It tickled how her slimy hands covered my ears.

It was weird sleeping with a slime. Every time we bumped into each other, it felt wet and left me completely awake. I felt as though she was trying to keep me awake.

At one point, I had to go pee. So we got up, got me dressed back up a little, and made my way to the nearest bathroom. In there I overheard a conversation from some people outside, in the hallway.

"Did you see that? It was pretty brutal, even for him." Someone said. Then another voice spoke up. "I think he deserved it to be honest. His mind was stuck on the war, we need to move past it or risk another." they said.

Then a third voice said something. "I know, but we could've just exiled him. The least amount of violence, the better." Lastly, a girls voice spoke. "And threaten a later uprising, or him allying with the races that aren't too keen on us. Now excuse me for a minute." She said, then came into the bathroom.

She opened my stall because, I'd forgot to lock it. "Oh, sorry little one." is all she said before closing it, and moving over to the next stall. Reumi was sitting in my lap in full slime form, she was lighter than she looked.

When I got done, and washed up, I left the room carrying Reumi. I passed the group of the others who were talking before. They stared at me, until I turned a corner.

I went back to Reumi's room and finally got some sleep, with Reumi sleeping on the foot of the bed. I didn't have any dreams, but I did wake up really tired. I guessed I only had a few hours of sleep.

Reumi turned back into her adult form, and carried me to breakfast. On the way, I was sure we passed by the woman and group of people from outside the bathroom. Reumi set me down at an empty table, and I waited for the Demon Lord.

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