Chapter 4 (Part 2)

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I'd never seen so much food on one table, or water so clear. I was hesitant to even take a bite of food or a drop of the water. It was too good to be true, like a dream, or some scam.

I finally took in the courage to do something. So I took a sip from the water, and the rush of the cold going down my throat and the feeling of relief as it hit my stomach was like the high people got off of drugs. I had to have more, my body forced me to knock back three whole cups before it was satisfied.

The whole time someone was there to refill the cup I drank out of, as it were as plentiful and free as air. But, I knew I couldn't fill my stomach with just water, something else had to be in there. I saw sliced bread on the table, and it was warm and fluffy to the touch.

I grabbed one slice and gave it a nibble. Just enough for a taste. When it hit my tongue, the flavor exploded, and the bread melted in my mouth.

I couldn't help myself, I kept eating more and more of it. Before I realized it, I was full. I'd never had that feeling before, but it felt even more natural than my constant hunger.

I must have unintentionally spoke about it, because the Demon Lord replied as if I told him. "Eat as much as you want. Anything that's mine is yours and anyone that is mine is also under your command." He exclaimed.

I felt warm on the inside, it was almost like I felt when my mother used to hug me. I don't know if it was the feeling of being wanted or being safe, but it was a great feeling to have. I could feel myself smiling so I know it was genuine.

I drank one more cup of the water, then another feeling came. I excused myself to use the bathroom. The Demon Lord had Taikocho accompany me.

Halfway there, someone had purposely bumped into me. Before I could see who it was, I found myself apologizing. When I looked up, they were gone.

Taikocho took me by the hand and had us go twice as fast. "I should have told you about this sooner, but if something like that happens again, where you can't see them, just keep going." I had no idea what wrong I had committed until I looked back again.

Something had appeared back there, but it was too fuzzy to see it clearly. "Don't look back, just keep moving forward, as if nothing was there." Taikocho said. My vision became too blurry to see anything, as if I was going blind, but not quite.

When we got to where we needed to be, she said that the coast was clear and to hurry up with what I needed to do. I took a while, needing to feel around for something. Then I felt a hand helping me, but it felt cold, and it didn't feel human.

It spoke, but I couldn't make out the words. I squeezed my hand, but I couldn't feel it. It was like I was dying, not that I knew what it felt like.

Then, in a golden glow, everything started coming back. I recognized what was standing in front of me. The statues all over where I'd lived were a near perfect depiction of her. But, compared to her real beauty, the statues couldn't hold a candle.

It was Opraia, the goddess of creation that everyone worshiped throughout the kingdoms and tribes of the world. "What was she doing here" I wondered. Then I remembered that the Demon Lord, just like her, was a divine being.

She spoke a language I didn't know, but I could understand it anyway. "Sorry about that earlier, I'm so used to not being noticed, and I was kinda messing around. But, when I released my invisibility, I forgot that my true form makes mortals cursed, so I came to fix it." She said.

She spoke like a child, but looked like and adult. But, she was nice, at least nice enough to feel sorry for me and heal me at that. "Oh well, I'll  get outta your way, I shouldn't stick around for too long anyway."

She waved, and then disappeared. I made my way out and back to the dining room with Taikocho. Right as we walked in we were told that the Demon Lord had more work to do, and that I would be spending the next few nights in Taikocho's room. All I could think was, "That's quite the start to my new life."

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