Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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I sat at my desk and awaited a long night ahead. Treaty, contract, and reparition pages stacked high in many piles. I had to carefully go over them all and make a decision of whether or not they were needing to be signed.

I couldn't help but wonder the entire time if Yurizu was ok. I didn't care this much about my own children or my many wives, something was different enough this time, whether it be something to do with the hero, or my own feelings, I just can't tell.

Around midnight, I got a surprise visit. Opraia had decided to invite herself in for a chat. As annoying as it was for her to interrupt my work, at least she talks to me as an equal, unlike the other divine beings.

She sat on my desk and tried to bug me until I'd say something. She acted more like a jealous child than a god most of the time, but she just says that that's just her "charm". So, after she got bored of poking and prying at me, she finally just started the conversation.

"So your war with the humans is finally over. It's been so long since it's started even I've lost track of how long it's been going on. I was kinda hoping for the humans to win though." She said.

I replied, "Almost a whole million years of nothing but slaughter, and you wanted those weaklings that pride in nothing but money and bloodlines to win. Without the hero, this war would've been over long ago." She started giggling.

"You speak like you hate them as much as your youngest son. But you befriended the hero throughout his many lives, and the new addition to your family is one herself is she not? I met her earlier on her way to relieve herself." She stated.

"There are a few exceptions, the hero and my new daughter are, so far, those exceptions. I won't let her become like the other humans. You should know how terrible they are, you're the one who created them after all." I told her.

The room went dead silent until I finished a stack of paperwork. "It's not entirely my fault you know. It was my idea to give them free will, but it wasn't my idea to allow evil or temptation into the mortals hearts. The other two made the decision against my will in order to see how my creations would turn out. So don't blame me for the failures that weren't my fault."

She immediately fell into tears, even though she had kept herself composed the whole time up until then. She shrank down to her true child-like form. I pulled out some candy from my pocket and put it in front of her face.

She stopped crying to look at it. "See, you yourself are still a child." I said as a friendly tease. She grabbed the candy saying, "Don't tease me like that, I'm only a few millenia younger than you."

"it took your mother billions of years to create the universe, but it only took you one week to make the earth and all of the races that inhabited it. No one else can claim those feats and when the day comes that you're as powerful, or even more so, then your mother then you alone may ascend to the throne of omnipotence. That will be the day that I stop teasing you." I stated.

She smiled and ate the candy. "I'll look forward to that day Tou-Chan. In the meantime, I'll come and play with your daughter whenever I get bored. That sounds like a good idea to me." She said. I replied, "As long as you don't barge in unannounced anymore, I'll consider it."

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