Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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That day was the Winter Solstice but within the demon kingdom, rather than the start of cold times, it was the start of the rainy season. It was also Yurizu's birthday, and I was planning on giving her something special. I was also expecting my couriers back this day with news on the summit I had asked from all nations.

I woke up that morning with Taikocho still slumbering beside me. It wasn't very typical of her to sleep in past sunrise, although I understood why she did it. Especially after what happened the night before, of course, she would be exhausted.

I got up from my bed and covered her nude body with the sheets. Putting on my garb, I heard footsteps from my closet. I opened the door and then the hatch on the floor.

Coming up from the basement steps was an old acquaintance of mine. It had been a while since I'd seen her human form. She was the last albino dragon, so she stayed underground to survive from the sun.

Albino dragons burn in direct sunlight, so they typically only appear at night. Sometimes their human forms are mistaken for greater vampires, especially since they both share distinctive snow-white hair and skin so pale it might as well be made of the moon. Although there is one difference between their appearances.

If you look closely at their eyes, you can see what they are clearly. As Vampires have glowing red eyes, dragons, even in their human forms have yellow lizard-like eyes. She was no different, except that she hates her eyes and covers them with either a cloth band or a blindfold.

"Well long time no see, Eylphir," I said to her. She turned to my voice and put on her pouting face. "I told you when I'm in human form to call me Ellie!" she said, almost as if she was a child about to start a tantrum.

She was smaller than me and Taikocho, but by no means was she truly small. She stood at a little over 167 centimeters in her human form. Her straight hair falls down her shoulders and back, down to her knees.

"Well, you shouldn't come in unannounced, or naked Ellie," I said. Ellie covered her groin but emphasized her breasts. "you pervert, always staring at my body aren't you." she rebutted.

To be honest, she was quite beautiful, however, she was quite the narcissist. She could be ugly and still claim herself the most beautiful being of all time, except for her eyes. Which would seem weird to the average person since a dragon's beauty is based on the deepness of the color in their eyes.

"So, what did you come up here for anyway?" I asked. She answered, "keep it down next time, else I'll come up and join ya, and you know how jealous that girl gets." I laughed a little.

"Oh, and this," she said while handing me something she'd been hiding in her hand. "It's for that girl I've been hearing about." She kissed my hand as I was receiving it and then left back down to her underground dwelling.

It was something I had expected from her since she was a secret masochist, and felt every girl should be the same. So I threw it in my dresser drawer and went on with my day. I wasn't going to give my daughter a ring of submission.

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