Chapter 6 (Part 2)

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I still didn't know my way around the castle at all, so I stayed put in the room and waited for Taikocho to come back. But, I got bored waiting, so I decided to be helpful and clean a bit. I started with everything I could reach, after I got dressed in what She laid out for me of course.

I straightened the bed sheets and adjusted the pillows. I took a rag from atop her dresser and started wiping the floor and other wooden surfaces down. I even got underneath the bed, but that's when she came in.

I stood up to say "Good morning", but I could tell that she wasn't amused. She grabbed me by the arm and practically dragged me to the Demon Lord's room. She was mumbling something, but never said anything on the way there.

She just about threw me into the room. "Don't touch anything until someone comes to get you." She said angrily. Then she slammed the door, and I was left to my own thoughts.

I was trying to wonder what I did wrong whilst I stared at the door. Then I turned around to see what kind of room the Demon Lord had. I was surprised at just how minimalistic it was compared to what I expected.

It was one large black bed pushed up against the middle of the far wall. A chandelier of candles hung from the middle of the room and a bookshelf next to a wardrobe. The cold, stone, floors lead on to another door in the corner of the room. It didn't look menacing, but I was curious of where it lead to.

But, before I could take a step in that direction, someone knocked on the door. I turned to see it open, and a man in a black and white robe invited me to follow him to the dining hall. I followed him hoping to get answers about my predicament.

When I got to the dining hall, Taikocho wouldn't even look at me, and the Demon Lord seemed calm. I sat down and waited for him to finish eating and finally tell me what I did wrong. But, before he even got done Taikocho finally announced what I'd done.

Apparently she had taken offense to me cleaning her room. I thought I was just doing a nice thing. The Demon Lord quickly finished his meal and made a decision.

"If she wishes to clean so much, then give her something to clean. Show her how to do it correctly, and she shall clean it everyday until I feel that she has served her punishment." He said. I was relieved that the punishment I was receiving was something that I wanted to do.

So, after her and I ate, Taikocho took me and fitted me into a maid outfit like hers, but much smaller. Same black and white style with frills, and even the small white thing she wore on her head. Afterwards she took me to a large building apart from the castle.

Whilst inside I passed cots, weapons, sheilds, armors, and some soldiers. We were in some kind of barracks. But, what she wanted me to clean were the bathrooms.

The smell was bad, but not as bad as the slums on a hot day. She showed me how to clean the sinks and the stalls. But then she took me to an identical room nearby. "This room is for the higher ranking soldiers. So don't show any slack." She said before leaving me on my own.

I cleaned the sinks as far back as I could reach, but under them was much easier. Then was time for the stalls. I looked under the crack before going in them, and waited if someone was inside.

I was just about to check the last one when a woman burst out crying, and wiping something slimy from her mouth. I turned to go in, but then I saw a silver wolf beastkin sitting with his pants down to his ankles. I was about to turn away and apologize, but he grabbed me by the collar.

He pulled me in and locked the stall door. He threw me on the ground beside the toilet. "You don't deserve to be here! You're a filthy human, worth nothing!" he screamed at me.

He stepped on my left leg with enough wait to snap it. The sharp pain was made even worse by the fact that I could see the bone coming out of my skin. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out.

Then he wailed on my small body with his fists, and he didn't stop, not even when he drew blood. Some of my ribs were probably broken, I couldn't feel anything below my neck, and one of my eyes wouldn't open anymore. The entire time he was cursing and screaming at me.

"Your lucky I don't rip off those clothes, gag you, and tie you to that toilet to have some orcs have their way with you. You'd be more stretched out than the town whore. But, you're too small, you wouldn't quite suffer too much." I remember him saying.

"Truth be told, to me, your as worthless as that toilet. I don't know what that old man likes about you. You should be dead like all the rest. What happened to the great slayer of the heroes, he who raped and even hypnotized them when they were women. How he's fallen even in the passed few months." He said as if disappointed in reality.

He pulled his pants halfway up before having the idea of using me as a toilet. He urinated right above my open eye. Some of it even got into my mouth. It was disgustingly salty, but, when I tried to spit it out, he covered my mouth and plugged my nose, forcing me to swallow it.

"I told you your like that toilet." He said before leaving. It was a few minutes before anyone found me, but by then, I had passed out from the pain.

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