Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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Reumi and Taikocho stayed in my room with Yurizu. I went to the area where the Seishi-Tatakai was to take place, and waited. Soon the time came, and so did the audience.

I stood there, waiting, for at least 5 minutes passed the designated start time. It was only then, when he finally showed himself. Thrid came up to me with his famous short swords in hand.

I remember the day I gave him those swords. The black steel sword blessed by the gods, and the obsidian sword blessed by demon kind. I gave them to him on the day he became old enough to fight in the war against humans. They were meant to bring peace and unity, but wherever they were, they only brought death and destruction.

"Don't back down, fight like the real you." He said. The match had started, and I let him cast the first blow. He struck me with both of  his swords in an X fashion.

His swords barely broke my skin, but my clothes had been damaged. He swung again, and again, until the top portion of my clothes became nothing. However, my skin had still yet to bleed or scar.

"Is that all" I said as I reminded him of my level. I pulled up my status window and showed everyone. It read "Level: 1,000,003,563".

 There had never been a documentation of a level cap for anyone, but those who assumed there was one said mortals couldn't pass one billion. If this were true, then no one would be able to reach my level. However, I believe that there is no level cap, and that a mortal lifespan is the only thing in the way of reaching my hights.

Thrid raised his status bar showing a whopping level of a few million, however we knew who would win. Even using my weakest attacks would entirely obliterate him, so there was no use in being fair. I shattered his swords with no more than a stare, and he just grinned.

His level started rising fast, it was almost like a trick. Then I realized what I sensed from him, it was Restark, the god of destruction. The presence and bloodlust were uncanny.

Restark has always hated me, ever since the old deities died off. I was created by Opraia's mother before even Opraia, Restark, and Chroth where begotten from their parent deities. I was to look after them in their beginning years. After they became accustomed to their roles and became the current deities, I was tasked with looking over Opraia's creations.

However, as soon as Restark's father died off, he hated me. Ever since, he infected the hearts of mortals to destroy me. I'm still sure, without a doubt that reincarnating a hero from another plain was originally his idea.

Thrid's level reached one billion, but my level was still higher. He rushed me using his true Fenrir form and scratched me. He had finally made me bleed with a four claw pattern across my chest. I regenerated it quickly and turned to him.

I lunged my open fist at him, but someone jumped in the way. Sara had jumped out of the crowd and taken my hand through her chest. She stayed there crying and bleeding both through the hole I had made, and her mouth.

Thrid started laughing as his fur turned pure black as a result of his pact with Restark. "That dumb bitch actually did it. Maybe if that stupid rule about listening to those of a higher level wasn't burned into everyone's mind, then maybe she wouldn't be dead. Then again, she was mine, my personal plaything and cumdump that is, and that rule is to blame." He said.

I layed Sara down, knowing that she'd passed on before even hearing what he had to say. I did my best to close her eyes and her wound. She didn't deserve what I did to her, and so this time I wouldn't miss.

I pointed my finger at him and used the one skill I'd refused to use since I got it from the old deities. "Black soul, burning light, annihilation." truthfully I didn't even have to say it's name, but he deserved to hear the full name of the skill that would render a soul eternally nothing. No heaven, no hell, not for those who get hit by this skill, just nothing.

His body started turning to dust, and soon even the dust disappeared. This skill was even too brutal for me, and I could use it without any repercussion as long as they were a lower level than me. I only used it once before, but I swore to never do it again, unless I have to.

After the fight was over, we buried Sara, and I decreed that Thrid would never be mentioned again. Near the end of the day I got a reply from the other nations on the proposed peace meeting. Finally, at the end of that night I had Yurizu sleep in Reumi's room, and I had Taikocho join me, in order for her to conceive a new child, one to replace that traitor child of her's I had killed.

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