Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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I don't remember anything about my father. But, I do remember my mother. She was the only one that loved me until she died.

I was told that my father was a Duke who threw out my mother because she didn't give birth to a boy. Although, apparently he cared enough about her to leave her enough money to survive for a while. Because of that, my mother told me that I shouldn't hold a hatred for him.

She said that about everyone. Her last words to me as she was murdered were even, "Please don't be angry. I'm just leaving for a while. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon." So I was never angry with anyone.

Not the kids that constantly picked on me. Not the people who would purposely run into me on the street and knock me down. Not even the people that threw glass and rotten food at me like I was a monster.

But, one person would always get mad for me. Saymen, the keeper of the bar I lived behind, always chased away the kids, picked me up off the ground when I was knocked down, and beat up all the people that caused me harm. If anyone was my father figure back then, it would have been him.

There wasn't much I could do for him, but he paid me to do small jobs in his bar. Sometimes, I'd even help him carry supplies back from the market place, even if he'd have to end up carrying me half way. But, I trusted him more than anyone else.

One time, when I was cleaning off tables, I overheard some guards talking about the Hero losing and humanity being in danger. Then, after a while I heard that Kringel was the last human city left and that humanity would probably be over soon. Then I heard something hopeful pierced my ears on a trip to the market.

If we found someone that the Demon Lord thought was worth saving, then humanity would be saved. I was overwhelmed with relief that I couldn't stop talking to Saymen about it. Although I certainly wasn't sure what the Demon Lord would consider worth saving, if he was a blood thirsty devil that wanted nothing but war, like what I was told. 

I could only put hope in humanity to save itself, and make the right decision. I was sleepless for a few nights before the first selection. I was paranoid and I ended up too tired to work for Saymen that day.

I fell asleep before I could learn if we were saved or not. Then late at night, I heard Saymen call out to me "Yurizu..." I opened my eyes, hoping to hear him say that we could still live like we always have.

I saw a man with him, but I couldn't make him out to well. He stepped closer, and to be honest I'd never seen such a plain looking person. I rubbed my eyes to get a closer look, but he covered his face with his hand.

When he took it away he changed. His hair was pure silver and the white's of his eyes were black with yellow irises, to top it off he had crimson markings running across his forehead and down the sides half way to his chin. Then he introduced himself, "I am Saiaku Tou, the Demon Lord, and I've taken quite the interest in you."

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