Chapter 11 (Part 2)

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Reumi took me to go eat, but the Demon Lord wasn't there. I guessed he was busy, but with how interested he was in my birthday, I thought he would be around me practically all day. I felt a bit sad and it took me a while to finish my food.

When I did finish, she then took me on a walk around the castle. I guessed it was because she knew that I still wasn't very familiar with my surroundings. By the end I learned quite a bit, but the most interesting part was something that looked like an old garden, I wondered for the rest of the walk what it could have looked like.

We also passed what looked like a graveyard which was pretty depressing. But I did see Taikocho putting flowers on some graves. She kept her composer, but I was certain she was crying on the inside.

By the time we got back inside it was already noon. Reumi left me in my room and a new dress was laid across my bed. It wasn't as fancy looking as my last one, it was more like the dresses the temple girls wore at the church of heroes.

Reumi had come back soon after I finished changing. She was wheeling a cart of food in and picked me up. She brought me and the food to the Demon Lord's office.

Reumi left me with him alone. As she walked out, he was staring at her. Then he turned to me when I took a bite of the food and asked me a question.

"So, how has it been living here so far?" he asked. It took me aback, and I couldn't help but think about what had happened not that long ago. I grabbed my previously broken arm and responded with my own question, "you mean, besides what happened with your son?"

He reacted almost immediately, "I think neither of us want to re-live that fiasco again." So I told him how I really felt. "Well, you've taken care of me, and for the most part, I've been treated like royalty. It doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel real, like it's all a dream or something." Is what I had to say.

He stood up, and put his hand on my head. He then stoically said, "I can assure you, it's perfectly real. Oh, and happy 6th birthday, Yuri." I felt both completely embarrassed, but also warmly embraced, and I grabbed his hand trying to tell him to take it off, but I just couldn't.

Then a demon in a cloak opened the door with a handful of letters tightly gripped. The Demon Lord read through each one with haste. He had his usual completely unimpressed expression on his face.

then out of no where, he stood up and walked over to me. Then, as if expecting me to jump at the chance, he asked me "How would you like to join me for a world leader's summit?" Trying to push it off politely, and trying to sound uninterested, I asked "will there be any other kids there?"

He took a moment to think. "It's hard to say, but you'll be able to meet all different kinds of people and races." he responded. I tried to make it sound like I was interested by agreeing to it if he let me help him with his work, thinking he would say no.

It turned out, he was all up for it. He also attempted to teach me the demon language. He called it "jap-in-ease", but it looked like nothing but non-sense and squiggly lines to me.

After I was done attempting to help, I was told to stay put in that office. There wasn't much to do, but as usual I decided to clean and dust everything I could see. Eventually, the Demon Lord came back and introduced me to someone he brought with him.

His skin was red and his eyes black an yellow. He had goat legs and spiraling horns. I was told his name was Parler, but he wanted me to call him "Sen-say."

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