Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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A shattered leg, a bruised eye, some broken ribs, and many more miscellaneous injuries. That's how Taikocho found a passed out Yurizu in the last stall of the barracks commander latrines. She rushed to tell me, after leaving her in Reumi's care.

I ordered, "Not a single person should move from where they are right now without my direct permission." I made sure to use magic so that the entire country could hear me. Then me and Taikocho made our way to Yurizu as quickly as we could.

Reumi was advanced in healing magic, so I wasn't worried about her injuries being life threatening, but I wasn't just going to sit there and let whoever did that get away with it. When I got there it was taking all I had not to snap and go look for the perpetrator myself, but I had to make sure that she would be okay. I stood there and watched Reumi continue casting a 9th tier healing spell.

It took a few minutes to activate since it was such a high tier spell, but it left her body in perfect condition. She was still passed out, but that was no cause for concern. Now it was time for me to find and punished whoever had the balls to do that.

I was never too good at sensory magics, so I left Taikocho's already advanced eyes and nose investigate the scene. The only scent she could smell was iron from the blood so whoever did it was covered on that end. But they left behind some hair on Yurizu's clothes.

I took a closer look at it, it was lighter than gray but dimmer than pure white. It was silver hair, like that of Thrid's Fenrir form. But, his Fenrir form wouldn't have been able to fit in the building let alone the stall.

Then right before my eyes it turned to red, just like Taikocho and Thrid's hair. Whoever it was could change what they look like, or at the very least change the color of their hair or fur. Taikocho left the room with the hair strand to see if it had a scent on it.

She came back in with tears running down her face. It was as if she thought that I was going to accuse her of doing this. "It was my fault. I should have never made her come anywhere near here."

I knew exactly why she was saying that. Thrid hates humans with a passion. I now knew exactly who did it, and I knew exactly how to deal with him.

I had Reumi and Taikocho take Yurizu to my room. Meanwhile I would head to my study and sent someone to get Thrid. It wasn't five minutes before he came through the door.

"What's this about? Did you finally want to spend some time with your real kid?" he asked. I stood up and acted as calm as I could.

"Is it possible for your to obtain silver fur without the use of your Fenrir form?" I questioned him. "So Serah spoke, huh? She was supposed to keep her mouth shut about that." He replied.

Serah was a greater elder ranked demon-kin that Thrid had under his personal control in military affairs. Although she was a great mage and archer, she rarely saw the battlefield under his command. She was also referred to as the Elegant Butcher, by the humans because her deadliness was only rivaled by her beauty according to them.

"Show me this form", I said as I turned my eyes towards the stand of hair in my right palm. "Sure, You would have seen it sooner or later." He said. As his fur turned silver, I saw the hair change with a slight delay.

I showed him the strand of hair. "So it was you." I said with no context. "What was me? I've been in my quarters all day sleeping, since I've got nothing to do anymore." He tried to explain,

"Are you aware of the beast-kin tradition of the Seishi-tatakai?" I asked. He answered confidently, "That outdated dueling method used to select the alpha of a tribe. That hasn't been used since we integrated into the demons." "We will have one anyway, between just the two of us as soon as possible. If you run you shall be stripped of your military rank, position as a member of the Six Crowns, the right of being my son, and your pride, but if you chose to come you're sure to die, and you shall be forgotten by time." I announced to him.

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