●Vengeful Mind●

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Ae-ri was on her way to work but noticed a lady came out of the Jeon mansion. It's rare to see a woman coming out of the Jeon's like that. Is her boss becoming womaniser? She shrugged out the thoughts and went inside the main gate, greeting the guard on the way. She was about to greet the gardener but noticed that the guy was spaced out looking towards the mansion gate. She met his gaze to see Seokjin slumped into the ground. She let out a gasp and hurried towards the man.

"Seokjin-ah?! Are you alright? Why are you on the ground?"

Seokjin just glanced towards her but did nothing. Then it strikes her. The woman who just got out of this place.

"Did she do something to you? Are you hurt?" She crouched down and held the man's face into her palms.

Ae-ri, a woman in her late twenties, who is like a big sister to these men who takes care of the Jeon mansion. She is unmarried since she hasn't found her love yet. But even if she's like a maid, the Kims and Jeons don't treat her like some maid or something.

"Where are you hyung?" Came a faint voice from inside. Ae-ri was just confused at this point. Now who is inside now? There was a woman and now a man? How many unfamiliar people are exactly inside?

"Seokjin-ah? Answer me" She shook the man but he was too much spaced out, thinking about something.

"Uh" Seokjin suddenly remembered that he's on the ground.

"Oh hey, morning Ae-ri" he replied.

"Were you daydreaming here or what?" Ae-ri sighed and got up. She laid out her hand for the man. Jin took her hand and about to stand up. The door opened and came out Taehyung.

Ae-ri swears she almost got a stroke. If not stroke, she can confirm her heart stopped beating the moment she saw the man whose portraits are hanging on the walls of Jeon mansion. Did the ghost come out of the portraits? Or the woman earlier summoned him?

She was frankly shocked to respond when the ghost bowed to him and proceeded to help Seokjin get up. Seokjin doesn't even budge and took his hands that even shocked her more. She was utterly speechless.

"Hyung why were you on the floor?" Taehyung asked.

"I'll tell you later Tae-ah. Anyways we should go back. Gguk might be up anytime soon" Seokjin brushed his pants and said thanks to Ae-ri for helping him.

With much mustering up some crumbs of courage, Ae-ri pointed towards Taehyung with shaky hands.

"H-how a-are you a-a-alive?"

"Oh" both Seokjin and Taehyung looked at each other then Ae-ri and then to all the workers in the garden who were gawking at Taehyung.

"Ok guys calm down. I know you all are shocked to see Taehyung as you've seen him only in frames and always knew he was dead, but here he is. He's alive and not a ghost. And" Seokjin clasped his hands.

"Please refrain from telling this to Jeongguk and avoid any talks infront of him for the time being" Seokjin pleaded. All of the people in the garden glanced at each other and nodded, giving a thumbs-up to the male.

"Sir will be delighted to know that his lover is alive" Ae-ri smiled at Taehyung while calming her little heart from blasting. Taehyung smiled in return.

"Let's go" Seokjin went inside to grab the keys.

"Oh hey, morning gguk" Seokjin spoke when he noticed him outside his room, only on his briefs and confused as fuck.

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