●Not Yet●

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"Miss Lily, can I have the student details file?"

"For what?"

"Uh um you see as I'm their homeroom teacher now so I need to know about them and their parents you see and there are no pictures of their parents in the report card. I have to recognise their parents too and-"

"Ok ok I got it"

The lady stood up from her seat and went to a drawer. She pulled out the drawer and took out several files. Some of them are rusty which made the lady crinkle her nose. She mouthed an 'o' when she found the files and went back to the raven head.

"Thank you so much" the said male bowed.

"No need to Taehyung-ah. You are way too formal with me. No need to be formal. We should get along y'know as we both would be seeing each other often?"

"Ok, Mis- I mean Lily" the man smiled.

"Now that's better. Anyways why don't you go outside and interact with the children's parents? School is over now and parents are already here."

The man stopped flipping through the files and thought.

I would but I think this is more important right now. The whole class I've been thinking about Wonseok and Somi. They seem familiar to me. And the way they get along is just like how my baby and namjoon and jin hyung's baby would. I need to know about their parents to stop thinking about this. I know I'm being paranoid so this is the only way to clear up my misunderstanding about these two kids.

"I will in a few minutes. Let me go through this for a minute and I'll be out. Why don't you go and greet the parents?" He forced a smile upon his lips.

"Hmm.. alright" the lady got up and exited the staffroom.

As soon as Lily went out Taehyung begins flipping Through the pages of the file.

"Kim Wonseok Kim Wonseok Kim Wonseok Kim Wonseok Kim Wonse- ah"

He finally found the page.

Name: KIM WONSEOK   [picture]

Father/  Mother's Name: KIM NAMJOON

Thick tears streamed down his eyes when he read the name over and over again and saw the small passport size picture of Namjoon. He couldn't believe his eyes. So Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung moved here huh
He read further...

Mother/ Father's Name: KIM SEOKJIN

He caressed Jin's picture. "Jinie hyung" he muttered, more tears streaming down his eyes but he wiped them off.

If Wonseok is their kid then somi...

He furiously flipped the pages again

"Jeon Somi Jeon Somi Jeon Somi Jeon Somi Jeon Somi-"

"Sir?" The said girl spoke


The raven head got startled by the voice as he was searching for the said voice. He clutched his heart and turned his head towards the door.


Not only Somi but Wonseok was with him. When the man saw Wonseok he just wanted to engulf him in his arms but he restraint himself.

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