Weiler gritted his teeth.

"Just like that pregnant Rogue as well, that matching handwriting found on the baby's forehead could have been forged so the World Werewolf council considered you're being frame but Al, DNA evidence can't be faked, they're bodies were both cannibalised and our family is the only known one to eat our own kind to gain more strength. Why do you think they're keeping an eye on us? Because of your incident at that island two years ago with Selena."

Al snarled at him.

"Those motherfucking geezers should be afraid of me, and everyone on that island deserved it." The Alpha's jaw clenched tightly. "You know exactly what those Rogues did to my Selena and what they were planning to do to Shane and me." Weiler's expression twinges a bit with guilt as he spoke.

"This is different Al, werewolves are getting murdered in our own territory and even in our branch packs aren't safe. Do you seriously want a war? Do you want people to die meaningless!? Do you want to be like Grandfather!?"

The Alpha scoffed, Al was always told behind his back. He would turn out like Alexander someday---or sooner.

"You're really defending a fucker like Tim? He betrayed his Delta mate and took her money. He was well on his way to becoming a Rogue werewolf, there's no goddamn place for Rogues in this world, not here---Only in hell."

Weiler smacked the side of his head.

"Here I thought you'd become less of a fool when I returned, too. My mother won't be back because of important matters." Weiler stood up, brushing and straightening his clothes. He said."Starting today, I'm taking over your position because you screwed up by sending most of the Silver ranks to the clinic." Al was shocked, Weiler never took interest in being totally in charge of Northwood. He preferred being on the sidelines while training himself.

Al howls. "You can't do that!"

The Older Alpha stares at his cousin, like how he does whenever he's very dead serious. Weiler's jade iries went back into it's normal dark grey shade.

"You're no longer in power to ask me what I can and can't do. Grandmother has ordered this, also tonight you are expected to have a dinner date with Jessie. Try not to disappoint Anselme, you've already caused a great deal of trouble here, and possibly even war if the World Werewolf council decides it, Al. We are a dangerous pack---but against a global amry of Alphas and worldwide packs, we don't stand a chance. Grandmother is only doing what is best for you, and this pack's future to avoid war---listen for once!"

"I don't need this!" He pushed Weiler hard and shouted. "I also don't need you taking over for me! I'm as much more of an Alpha than you'll ever be!"

That was hitting below the belt.

Weiler felt his wolf's anger.

But he answered back.

"Take a good long look at yourself, Al. Are you even the Alpha and leader they'd sacrificed their lives for? Even now you still haven't changed, this conservation is through, and so am I. Because I have to fix your damages again." Weiler picked up the broken picture and sets it onto Al's desk table.
"Selena isn't coming back, and it's all your fault---Because she loved you."

Weiler quietly left the room, leaving Al clutching his blonde curly hair that slightly showed signs of white strikes.

You don't have to remind me...


Everything went sour from there.

Rainier had to directly report his own findings with the other victims of the Rogue Killer to Weiler, Chase was told he wasn't allowed to participate in the New moon quarter tournament if he didn't pass his exams and Jessie was ordered by The Older Alpha to always be right next to Al during classes and even at breaks. Shane told everything that happened while Weiler was gone and that only made him more strict.

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