Chapter 18

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A day without Valentine was so relaxing. While he was planning his next attack, I was allowed to hang out with Ginny and talk about everything. Everything that the spell and mind control allowed me to.

As night approached, Valentine returned and made sure I was always close to make sure the spell didn't wear off.

"Do you all want to head into town for some butterbeer?" Valentine asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

Ginny smiled and looked at Harry, waiting for his response.

"Yeah, that sounds great," Harry answered and Hermione nodded as well, grabbing Ron's hand and pulling him to her.

Ron looked at everyone and smiled, "what's the celebration?"

"When did you need a celebration to go out for a drink?" Hermione laughed, rolling her eyes.

Harry and Ginny laughed as well and Ron shrugged, "you're right. Let's go!"

I smiled, biting my lip. Going out would be fun and I could hang out with Ginny and Hermione instead of being stuck beside Valentine all night. I kept quiet and listened to everyone talk about their fond butterbeer memories.

"I remember the first time I tried it," Ron laughed and Hermione and Harry laughed as well, remembering the story.

I laughed as I listened, walking a bit faster and pulling away from Valentine. He reached out for me, but I moved out of his reach and linked my arm with Ginny.

She smiled at me, "today was fun and now we are going to have so much fun going out! This day couldn't get any better!"

I laughed, shaking my head, "I haven't gone out in so long, I'm actually excited but nervous at the same time."

Ginny smirked, "we are drinking till we black out tonight!"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Valentine whispered, walking beside me.

I shook my head, "come on, dear," I spat the last word before continuing, "let loose and drink lots."

Valentine stared at me for a moment before nodding, "fine."

I smiled, "don't be so stiff, dear."

Valentine rolled his eyes, but kept quiet till we got to the Hogsmeade. Valentine opened the door, smiling as everyone walked passed and murmured a quick thank you.

I breathed in the sweet smell of the butterbeer and twirled, feeling relaxed. Ginny laughed and twirled with me before going to get the first round of butterbeer for everyone.

The night flew by, drinking butterbeer and laughing with all my friends. I felt intoxicated, stumbling over my own feet as we all were kicked out of Hogsmeade. I leaned against Ginny who was smart to stop after a couple. She helped me walk back and I looked over my shoulder, seeing Valentine trying hard not to pass out.

I giggled, watching Valentine stumble up the stairs to the painting entrance of Lodger dormitory.

"I'll help him into your room," Harry said, moving Valentine into my room. Ron helped him as Valentine stumbled over a small bump in the carpet.

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