Chapter 15

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~ Bexley's P.O.V. ~

I rolled my eyes, watching the water drip from the ceiling. It dripped slowly into a puddle that was forming by the window where another prisoner was sleeping and snoring loudly.

"Ahem," I coughed, trying to get their attention, but all I got back in return was a grumble and them moving to face the wall.

I sighed again, watching the prisoners chest move up and down slowly. 

After the attack, I was teleported into this dungeon and shackled to the wall. The black figure took my wand and said he would come back alter to check on me, but that was three days ago. I've been stuck in this dungeon, watching another snore for the last three days and I was ready to go insane. The only person I've seen other than the prisoner, was an elf who brought food and water. Yet, each time I ate, the other prisoner stayed in his corner, ignoring his food.

"Seriously," I snapped as the other prisoner snored loudly again.

He snapped awake, for the first time in days, and looked over at me. 

"Cirrus," I gaped, seeing his black hair cover his eyes momentarily.

"Bexley?" He yawned, his voice hoarse from not using it.

I stared at him, trying to register what I was seeing. I raked through my mind trying to remember the last time I actually saw him.

"I'm sorry," I finally breathed, "I've been so busy with my own life and I forgot to check on my-"

"Don't," Cirrus croaked, shaking his head and lifting a weak hand into the air.

He looked so weak, his cheeks were hollow and there were purple bags under his eyes, even though he had been sleeping the last couple of days. His lips were dry and peeling at the edges and I bit my lip. He looked so rough and broken.

"What happened?" I finally asked, feeling lost and confused. 

The last time I could remember seeing Cirrus was after the second attack. 

"I'm not sure," he started, coughing, "I was heading to bed and there was a noise out in the common room so I went to investigate. There was nothing and as I turned to go back to bed, something attacked me from behind. Next thing I knew, I was here."

"That's terrible," I said, not knowing what else to say, but that. I couldn't relate to his pain since I've only been here for the last couple of days, and he's been here for weeks. I didn't want to give him false hope either.

"How are you still alive though?" I asked before slapping a hand over my mouth. I stared at him and saw sadness flash across his eyes before being replaced with coldness.

"I'm sorry," I said again, shaking my head.

"It's fine," he whispered, "the figure puts me under a sleeping spell so I'm not wasting any of my energy and time just keeps slipping by."

I nodded, wondering why the figure wanted both of us.

"I wonder-"

There was a loud bang from outside the dungeon door and I looked over. There stood the elf and I rolled my eyes, "food gain?"

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