Chapter 13

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I kept my distance from Draco once we got back to the castle, making sure to go to the Great Hall at different times then him for food and stayed in my room for the last bit of the day and into the next morning. I trusted that he meant what he said to pansy in the forest, that he didn't want to be with her, but there was a feeling of dread that was growing in my stomach.

My mind raced at the endless possibilities of why Draco owed Pansy this favour. 

I sighed, running a hand through my hair and looking at my ceiling. I could see the white paint of the ceiling beginning to chip away and flake around the edges by the walls.

"Bexley?" Draco knocked.

I looked over at the door, biting my lip. He was suppose to spend time with Pansy so she could try to convince him that she was the right choice for him. She wasn't wrong though, she had the same interests and the same house. They grew up together and I was a Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff and Slytherin don't mix.

"I know you're in there, I saw you leaving the Great Hall and followed you back here," Draco explained, knocking again.

I ignored him and looked back at the ceiling.

"Fine," Draco snapped and I let go of the breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I sat up and screamed, seeing Draco teleport into my room. He glared at me before turning and placing a protective barrier around the room so no one else could get in or out.

"Draco!" I screamed, placing a hand over my heart.

He turned back to me with an icy glare, his face full of annoyance.

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Thought it would be best if I just met you at the Valentine Ball later today instead of seeing each other before," I answered nonchalantly, hoping he would believe it.


"Louise was right, you should see me in my dress at the ball not before," I added, trying to make my reason sound more plausible.

"Bullshit," he repeated, his gaze staying firm on me.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed in front of him, "why don't you believe me?"

"Your argument would make sense if you were already in your dress, but here you are," he said, looking me up and down, "in shorts and a tank top."

I sighed. I guess that wasn't my smoothest lie, I thought before standing.

"Caught me, but I need to get ready now."

Draco grabbed my arm, forcing me to look at him.

"Tell me why you've been ignoring me and then I will leave. I'll wait for you out in the common room once I'm ready to escort you to the Valentine Ball."

"Fine," I whispered, pulling my arm from his grip.

"I saw you yesterday in the forest by the town."

I looked at him and watched as his face turned from annoyance to understanding.


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