Chapter 10

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I sat with a pencil in my mouth as I stared at the scrolls in front of me. I wrote down all that has happened at Hogwarts, trying to find a connection between the two attacks. I recounted the events leading up to each attack, hoping there was clue in who was orchestrating it all.

I looked down at my parchment scroll at my writing, waiting for something to click or magically jump from the page:

Schedule of Events

Day 1: arrived to Hogwarts- Dementors on train (might be connected?)

Day 2: announcement of Marriage Law

Day 3: attack in The Quad- first attack since the Second War

Day 4-8: nothing out of the ordinary, new rules put in place by Hogwarts administration

Day 9: attack in the dungeon - Boggart and Fiendfyre spell

Day 10-now: nothing out of the ordinary

I bit the pencil absentmindedly, looking over the days over and over again. It all appeared random, there was no connection between the mind controlled people and Fiendfyre. The person or people responsible were changing their tactics.

Why attack in the quad then the dungeon? Why move from controlling minds to fire and illusions, I thought, my head spinning with more questions than answers.

I rubbed my temples as my head began to ache. My head pounded and I put my head against the cool desk, grateful for the open windows. The wind blew cold through the library, frost beginning to form on the inside glass of the window.

The cool wood helped my throbbing head and I closed my eyes, relinquishing in the little distraction. 

"I thought I'd find you here," Ginny laughed, pulling the chair beside me out to sit down.

I opened my eyes and peered at her shoes, "why's that? I always hated the library," I laughed.

She giggled softly, "yeah, but when you were stuck on homework, we would always find you here. In this exact spot, to be precise."

I sat up and looked at her, leaning in my chair, "am I that predictable?"

She nodded, peering down at my scroll. She bit her lip as she read the scroll and looked at me with curious eyes, "you're writing out a schedule of events since you've arrived?"

"Yeah, I was hoping it would give me a clue. Cirrus told me earlier that there hasn't been an attack here since the end of the war. I wanted to try and figure out why it started now, but so far I don't know anything."

Ginny looked at the writing again and shrugged, "I'm not sure either. To me, it looks random. Maybe it's two different people or maybe the first one was an accident. I heard there was a couple students that read about the controlling spell a couple days earlier. It might've been them."

"Oh, I didn't know that," I said, quickly writing that down as a note under Day 3. 

"Yeah, maybe that'll help," she questioned with a shrug, "but probably not."

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