Chapter 6

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I stood at the top of the Bell Towers, the bells behind me. I stared out the glass windows, looking down at the Death Eaters. They all formed outside the gates of Hogwarts, moving quickly to seize Hogwarts. I couldn't move, my breath was stuck in my throat as students and professors ran and formed together in a group to stop the Death Eaters. 

The Battle of Hogwarts has begun and my heart sank. Lord Voldemort and his followers joined alliances, calling on their Slytherin friends to join and show their alliance to the dark wizard.

My heard swarmed with images of the dead. Dead from both sides. Their bodies played in my mind, their faces scratched and bleeding as their bodies laid lifeless in the courtyard and through Hogwarts.

"Stop," I screamed, falling to the floor of the Bell Tower as the bells chimed. 

I held my head in my hands, screaming for the images of my dead friends and others race through my mind. They played on repeat, taunting me. I couldn't stop what was going to happen, I knew that. But I didn't want to accept it, not yet.

I ignored the images and they all blurred together. I opened my eyes, to see the flames of fires starting to roar. The flames danced high and spread quickly, as both sides tried to keep the other at bay. The war to end all wars, hopefully, I thought, regaining my composure.

The Bell Tower was darkening and I pulled my wand instinctively from its spot in my robe.

"Lumos," I cried, watching a light flare from my wand and lighting up the Bell Tower. I let my eyes adjust to the new light and ran for the stairs that led  the gallery of portraits and paintings.

I ran down the stairs, feeling my free hand guide quickly down the railing to keep my balance. As I spiraled down the stairs, I saw movement at the bottom.

"Hello?" I asked, feeling my heart race.

There was no answer and I slowed, making my way into the gallery. 

On the other side stood  some Death Eaters who were hiding away from Dumbledore's Army. I stopped in my tracks and froze, knowing I couldn't beat them. I spent most of my time learning from Sybill Trelawney, learning to harness and call on my gift instead of being tormented by it. She taught me how to use my gift, to see the future or the spirit world. She told me that this gift was rare and sought after. I didn't focus in my Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I simply ignored it and focused on controlling my gift.

I shook my head, wishing I had payed more attention, tried more in practice fights. I didn't think this day would come and yet here we were.

"Over there!" A Death Eater yelled, pointing towards me.

I screamed and turned, running  away towards the greenhouses, the only place I could hide and hope for someone to come save me.

I could hear their footsteps echoing behind me as they tried to stop me. Tried to throw spells at me to end my life.

I ran into the greenhouse, and looked around. No one was here and I crouched down underneath some of the cupboards. 

"Where is she?" Someone asked loudly.

"I don't know, but you should've done more to stop her," the other yelled back and I could hear the other groan in pain. 

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