
88 3 3

Fem Japan x Male Australia

Fluff and light smutt (just kissing)

requested by: 


Okay i have a few ideas for this but this one stuck out so Ima use it.  

I am sorry but it goes kinda fast.  

sorry if sucky


(Australia P.O.V.)

"What?!", I responded and the rest of the crowd started to crack up.   We were playing truth or dare, and America just dared me too kiss my crush, Japan.  

"Come on.  No big deal just one on the lips", my brother Canada tried to help.

"Ok", I said getting up and started to walked toward Japan.  I was just getting prepared to force myself to kiss Japan.  She beat me to it and tackled me to the ground and passionatly kissed me and slid her hands down my neck.  I wished that moment lasted forever , but sadly we parted for air and went back to our seats.

"Now try telling me that you don't like her", America ,my oldest brother, teased me.   All I wanted to do was slap him then and there so I did.  That honestly was a bad idea tho, because it ended in a whole wheistlying  (yeah I hope you understand my misspellings)  contest on the floor.  

I couldn't tell whether Japan or Canada was trying to separate us, but that didn't matter.  All that did matter is that I ended up with a brusied arm and Ame a black eye.   I couldn't believe dad made us go to school with it, but he did and now we are here.  

I am now on the bus listening to music with a brusied arm.  I wonder how worse my day can get. 

(Japan P.O.V.)

Last night was more chatioc then the caferia line when they actually serve something edible.  I couldn't believe that I kissed Australia, my crush.   How could I have been so stupid?  No you wanted to kiss him and you got it.  Don't be such a scardey cat Japan!  

"Are you okay? Your flag is redder than Germany's in WWll", South Korea my bestfriend said somehow breaking me from my thoughts. 

"Yeah I was just stupid and kissed my crush", I replied back.

"Did he reject you?"she asked.

"No", I said.

"THEN HOW WAS IT STUPID!!", she said shaking me back to my senses. 

"Exactly I got what I wanted", I said to her. 

The rest of the bus was just me and her fangirling about anime.  I am glad to have such a good friend as South.  

(with Australia Third P.O.V)

"How can I not forget?", Australia yelled at his brother while walking to school.

"Well that could be a fair sign that she likes you", America teased me.

'He was soooooooooooo anoying but I knew he was right.  Japan wouldn't have done that if she didn't like me back', Australia thought to himself as he walked to class. 

It took longer than expected when the teacher kept them in longer, but it was all worth it when break came.  Australia was so excited to see Japan and tell her if she wanted to be his girlfriend.   Sure it had only been last night that he found out that Japan liked him back but he didn't want to lose this chance. 

He began to walk to where Japan usually sit and was ready to ask her ,but she wasn't there.  This confused the Australian.  Japan usually sat here so why didn't she sat there today.  He began to look for his love or would be the love of his life.  

His wondering lead him to a certain blossum tree.  He wondered there until he found a note.  He was about to read it when he felt someone tackled him from behind.  

"So I heard you were looking for me", Japan said covering Australia eyes playfully.

"Well I had something important to tell you", Australia said blushing.

"and that is?", Japan asked. 

"*inhales* Japan would you be my lovey girlfriend", Australia said bringing Japan into a hug.

"I been waiting for you to ask me all yeah", Japan said kissing Australia on the lips.

The two continued to kiss until they lost air.  Then they smashed their lips again only wanting to feel each others warmth.

(a few years later)

"So that is how we meet and here I am asking for your blessing to ask your daughter to marry me", Austalia asked Imerial.

"hmmm ou are funny Aussie", Imerial said chuckling as he advanced toward Australia.   Austalia then took a step back a bit scared but didn't want to show it. 

"Of Course you can marry her!", Imerial said umexpectly.  

Austalia ran upstairs to get Japan and go on that date, but this time he is going to propose to her.  


They ended getting married and having two lovely children. 

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One shot book (Country humans)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon