(Serious) What have you become?

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Warning contains , pstd , possession,  and last but not least USSR.


"Welcome back Soveit Union", a robotic female voice said.

"Huh?", USSR day up in a bed that wasn't his.  In fact this whole room wasn't his. 


Ringing was heard.  USSR turned around and saw an oddly shaped phone.  He stared at it as it kept ringing.  The table under it echoing the sound.  The sound stopped before beeping.

"Hey this is America.  I was wondering if you still wanted to talk about your dad since I so rudely quote on quote blew you off yesterday.  Please call me back when you made your decision", the strange phone said somehow sounding like America.

USSR sat confused for a bit before getting up and strangly nothing hurt aside from some neck pain.  He walked around the room.  Some things he recognized other things he didn't for instance a square mirror that lighted up when you touched it.   Everything thing seemed so strange to the Union. 

It all didn't make sense until he took a glance at the mirror.  "Russia?", he said in confusion.  He messed with his own hair and the reflection followed.  Was He Russia? 

-knock knock-

"Russia hurry up you are going to be late for work!", USSR heard belltrus yelled from the other side of the door. 

"A job? At least he is responsible", USSR thought to himself like a proud father.

Wait...he was going to make his son late to work?  What did Russia even work as?  Did it require a skull set?  Would anyone notice?  USSR rummaged through Russia'd closet to find a uniform and lucky for him he found one.  It was not what he was used to but it was nesscary.  He was not going to make his own son late for work whatever that was. 

He walked outside picking up the breakfast.  It was *insert good Russian breakfast* . He took a bite and tears almost ran through his checks.  "My baby girl Belltrus became one of the best cooks", USSR thought to himself.  He closed the bedroom door behind him and walked towards the door.

"Wait are you not going to take Dad's Ukhasha", Ukraine said stopping USSR from leaving. 

"Um no ", Soveit said about to walk before stopping again.  He didn't know where Russia worked.

"Are you feeling alright Russia?",  Mongolia ,USSR's oldest son, said walking down the stairs.

"Da, but can you take me to job?", USSR said.

"Why don't you know the way?", Armenia said poking thier head from under the stairs.

"Da but I been driving all week and weekends. Can you drive?", USSR decided to go the dramatic route.  How was he supposed to tell them that he came back from the dead and is somehow now Russia?

"Seems fair", Kazakhstan said flying down with keys in hand, "but if you are that tired perhaps you should stay at home".

"Nyet ", USSR said simply.

"Alright then ", Kazakhstan said walking towards the car they all shared.  USSR followed close behind this car was more bigger and smoother than what he remembers cars were like.

"What's you waiting for? Get in", Kazakhstan yelled excitly.

USSR got in through the back.  Usually he would sit in the front but he decided he needed the space.

Kazakhstan pulled out of the driveway and started the drive over there.  "So what's working for UN like?", Kazakhstan started conversation.

"Хорошо", USSR said simply thinking about what to do in his situation.

"That is werid last time you said you were in hell and how come you let me drive even though I gave no driver's license or corrected me when I made a wrong turn awhile back", Kazakhstan said lifting an eyebrow.

"Uhhh", USSR didn't know how to tell his son the news or even when Kazakhstan became so observant.

"Are you overworking yourself again?", Kazakhstan said pulling the car over.

"Kazakhstan....I am not Russia", USSR started. 

"What do you mean you are not Russia?", Kazakhstan said not believing the Union.

"I am your father, the mighty Soveit Union", USSR said.

"OMG you ARE overworking yourself ", Kazakhstan said getting back on the rode making a U-turn.

"You peed your pants until you were six and begged me not to tell your siblings because you thought they would paint your wings black ", USSR said.  He had already jumped in might aswell go the rest of the way.

Kazakhstan aburtly stopped the car, "How the fuck did you know that". 

"Son, I never forgot any of those funny stores you used to tell your siblings about goblins or Americans trying to eat them", USSR chuckled to himself.

"How are you doing that? Did Ukraine set you up for this?", Kazakhstan said in disbelief.

"I am doing this because I am your father", USSR said.

"Okay fine.  Let's say you are NaNa well how are you possessioning Russia because that is really the only explanation for this", Kazakhstan said pulling over once more.

"I don't know. woke up and bam! I am Russia", USSR said with sound effects and everything.

"Okay...that explains some things.  Wait...YOU WERE GOING TO GO TO WORK AND NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO?!", Kazakhstan yelled at USSR.

"I didn't know how you guys would react and plus I am not going to make my son late for something so important such as a job", USSR explained.

"I am calling you sick and then I am calling Germany maybe he could help us with this until than hold tight"  Kazakhstan said dialing up the phone.

"Hallo?", Germany answered the other line.

"Hey, we have a problem", Kazakhstan said.

"Have you contacted America? I think it would be better to call him if it is a financial, work, or government issue", Germany said.

"I thought he was out of commission after the whole bomb issue ", Kazakhstan said.

"Ja, but doesn't mean he isn't still helping people plus EU is really down my neck after I help you guys sneak Russia vodka", Germany said.

"Ahh nevermind I'll call him and then I'll call you back ", Kazakhstan said a bit frustrated with the German.

"Ja sorry I couldn't helped you more", Germany said.

"It is alright, bye ", Kazakhstan said hanging up.

"Bombing issue ", USSR said.

"Yeah he thought he was back in the war", Kazakhstan said plainly trying to explain it to USSR.

"How can anyone think that? ", USSR said confused.

"It is complicated", Kazakhstan said driving back towards their home. "You missed alot".

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