-(pt3)-Go Go Power Boomers!!!-(pt3)-

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Hydra chuckled to himself.  A morale wanting to fight him with a shoe.  This will be fun.  The Mexican swung the first swing missing his target.  Hydra laughed out loud.  He will soon regret that.  Mexico then frustrated threw the saddle at the creature and hit the target.  Hydra was taken back by the Mexican's strength.  Maybe he had underestimated this morale.  He then got ready to absorb him into his army.   Mexico looked at the creature with confusion but didn't let down his guard.  They started to fight.

(Meanwhile with Poland)

Poland was trying his best to come back quickly so that Mexico doesn't die ,but when he arrived he could not believe his eyes.  Mexico was fighting the monster with a belt tied around a saddle ,and he is winning.  Then he noticed that Hydra was going stop.  Poland then used this wait to  attack.  

He attacked and Hydra stumbled back.  He then grabbed Mexico and flew out of sight of the 'monster'.  Mexico was squirming like a dog not wanting to take a bath.  This unfortunately annoyed Poland.  Poland dropped Mexico where he thought it was safe then flew away.

He flew behind the building and then unpowerize (idk).  He walked toward Mexico and hug attacked him from behind.  This surprised Mexico at first and it took a while for Mexico to hug back.

"I-I am sorry", Poland said clearly worried about Mexico.

"It is fine. You were just scared", Mexico reassured Poland. 

Mexico then called Canada telling him what happened.  The winged Ranger Mexico had called him.  Poland didn't really have a name for himself when he is doing super hero work so this might be a new name for his character.  

The rest of the night went smooth with Canada picking up Mexico and Poland and Germany finally finding a lead on something. Yep this was a night to rest for the heroes. But villains were planning something on such relaxing night as this.

"Sure What do you want me do with our prisoner?", a solider of Hydra asked.

"I believe we can break the information out of him somehow so...take him to the torcher chamber", Hydra said eagerly.  He would enjoy breaking the American down to his last nerve. 

(with Third Reich)

"So what is you boss wants from me?", America asked.

"I dunno... information is my guess", Third said

"Lemme guess it is about that gem of yours", America said.

"Ja I think that is what that is about", Third said.

"You understand why I can't tell what I know right?", America said.

"Ja. You're just protecting your family. .  .but vhat I don't get is vhy you know it in the first place", Third said.

"I have my secrets and you yours", America said.

"Sounds fair",  Third said.

"Black!!!! I need you at the bay!", Hydra could be heard.

"Better get going big blue", Third said.

Third left leaving America alone.  America scanned the room for a possible escape.  He unfortunately found none.  He continue to see if he possibility find one until he heard someone come in.  Hydra had changed since the last time he saw him.  He is now a monster pretending to a human.

"So long time no see eh?", Hydra said caring America's chin. (he is tied up btw)

"And so much happiness and that time period. Then here you come to ruin it. What do you want?", America growled.

"Well I want two things.  One I want information.  Two, is quite oblivious I want your military", Hydra said.

"Well you aren't getting anything", America said.

"You are gonna regret saying that", Hydra threatened.

Hydra then slapped the American across the face.  He then grabbed a knife and a gag. 'Oh boy won't this be fun' , he thought.


To lazy to continue.  So yeah next part is going to be a bit gory if you want.  

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