-Go Go Power Boomers!!!-

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This was based on a comment section conversation thingy.  So yeah.  If you are out there reader please comment it means a lot


{Germany P.O.V}

So 2 new Rangers appear out of nowhere.  That just doesn't make any sense.  I mean I thought there was only ours and that is it.  But when did anything make sense.  The others may believe in magic but I think of it like science that I haven't figured out yet.  The gems give each of us a weapon, a suit, power, and a special animal.  Sometimes something is given to you later when you proven yourself worthy or something.  I don't buy it but it is interesting to look at.  

I personally don't have a gem but I am more like the planner in all of this.  The scientist that stays behind. Heh... It is funny to think about it.  I mean only a few days ago my friends found their stones and now I know more about them then all of them combined. They are knuckle heads, but I love them.  

Now on to the real mystery.  Who are these new Ranger and why are here?  I already alined my board and have everything in place.  So the first meeting:

Russia a.k.a the white Ranger was one his last straw with Hydra (idk) the terrible villian who was known to be power hungry.  The White Ranger was no match to Hydra.  With no allies by his side that day, He was all alone.  Then something went flying , hitting Hydra in the shoulder.  Then they appeared the Red Ranger. He saved Russia that day but didn't appear until the attack to the White House.  

This all seems problematic especially since the villains were relentless.  All of them surprising after one thing. . .the gems.  The black Ranger didn't appear up until... 

A few months back I had gotten myself into trouble and Hydra was practically at my door.  I let him in because he didn't know I was with the Rangers.  He then showed me his new weapon...

The black Ranger.

Now it was hard enough to fight the goons but now the Black Ranger.  Nobody really knew the identity of the two but it would be helpful to know.  I think with the new information I gathered from being undercover, I can finally start my investigation.

I know at first it may seems stupid but it is a new discovery that can aid us in the investagation.  Okay Germany out and I will write back if I find anything new.

{Third Person P.O.V.}

Germany leaned away form the computer screen.  He had been up until 12 trying to figure this out.  His family is continuing to grow.  Now don't misunderstood this poor German because he is just lonely in his big house with no one in it.  His Grandfather is always asleep with all the work Prussia places on the poor man's shoulders.  He works so hard yet gets no breaks. His father committing suicide after things got tough.  So his only family was really his friends.  He just hopes that nothing real bad happens to him.

Meanwhile with Canada and Russia, they are having a good time.  They are celebrating New Zealand birthday after all.  But something seemed off...Oh right America was not there.  This saddened the Canadian at first but Russia helped him get over it.  Now they were celebrating like it was the end of the world.

With Poland however was not so lucky but grateful.  A nice stranger named Mexico allowed him to stay at his house for whenever he liked.  His family was usually targeted to be conquered.  Mexico helped him get through that.  Plus his food is the best.  So Mexico was on Poland's trust list.

With the Philippians or Phillip for short,  He was having a blast with his family at ASEAN.  The trouble makers loved driving A.S.E.A.N. crazy.  It was chaotic but family chaotic. It was perfectly chaotic.

With The Black Ranger, Their intentions were unknown and as for their allies. .  .                            Well one betrayed him and he betrayed the other one.  The only left that he trusted had a family and he wasn't gonna ruin that.  He wasn't used to having a boss but it gave him a purpose.   

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