-(pt6)-Go GO Power Boomers!!!-(pt6)-

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Here it is have fun


{Florida P.O.V.}

I was just reading a book when this all happened.  I was trying to be normal for once, but nooooo this had to happened.  I was falling then landed here in Gods knows where.  I know for a fact that usually this happens we land near the country we are closest , so I should be in Mexico if I am lucky.  

I started walking toward some buildings.  There I saw a cat. It looked so fluffy, but I contained myself.  I wanted so bad to be normally.  You might be wondering why do I want this so bad?  Well I am the black sheep of the family and everyone always points to me when someone does something crazy.  I am going to be honest with you more than half the time it is me.  

I just can't seem to contain myself until New York helped me.  She said just act like everyone else and she was sure I will fit in.  Some things calm down after that.  I guess I really was causing a ruckus.  Heh  Oh well that is in the past now so yeah. . . 

I finally spot some people and I walk towards them.  I have my hologram on that Washington gave us.  I don't know why but all have to have this on when we are around humans.  I hate my code 'Get the Florida Man!',  I made it when. . . I was young and crazy ,but that is not me anymore.  I just can't risk it.  

"Hello there. You lost?", the woman asked.

Oh shit I forgot my human form looks like a little kid since I am so small.  Not as small as Rhone Island but still small.

"No just walking around to enjoy the night", I responded with a cheery voice.

"Oh ok have fun", She said.

I continue walking around to see where I am.  I finally see a sign that says 'Welcome to Moscow'.  Moscow what the heck how did I end up in Moscow.  Well I guess I just have to work with this. I guess.  I really want to just scream and hug a bear but I contain myself.  I don't  deserve to be crazy. . .

(with Mexico)

{Mexico P.O.V.}

I have a bad feeling.  America will never miss his brother's birthday even if it was to kill him.  I decided to tell Poland that I needed him to house sit for me.  He ask why and I just told him I was needed for work.  I know that was a complete lie ,but I don't want him to worry.  I brought chili with me to have my back. 

I like the company but he just keep asking questions.  It is annoying.  I just have to keep calm expecailly with the Mafia acting up.  It is easy for me get mad and do something I might regret.  I just wish i was with my kids.

"Hey Mex I don't know why you want to be here?", he asked.

"Just want to check something before I returned to my house", I responded.  I notice someone looking at us.  Definitely not human, but his flag is unrecognizable.  I feel like I seen him somewhere.  The dark is definitely not helping with this.

"What are you looking for", Chili asked me. 

"Shhhh someone is watching us", I said.  He became quiet as I looked where the little boy was.  

"Papa?!", the boy yelled and ran toward me and hugged me.  Chili was so confused.  I just decided to embrace the hug.  I took a closer look at him and immediately recognized him.  

"Nueva Mexico?!", Mexico said.

"Si Papa", New Mexico said.

"Can someone just tell me what going on?", Chili said.

"Shut up Texas duplicate I wanna spend time with my papa", New Mexico said.  

Then out of the shadows came the Monster I fought before. . .

(with UK)

{UK P.O.V.}

Something is incredible wrong, and everyone acts like it is not.  It anoyes me.  I trotted to elevator trying to get to work on time.  I am now in the elevator.  To my right is France, my ex, and to my left is Soviet Union. . .Wait! What?!  I blinked and look back to my left and no one is there.  Well that was weird.  I could've swore.

"How was your day?", France said trying to be polite ,but clearly failing. 

"Why good thank you.  How about you", I said not knowing if I sounded polite or not.

"Did you know that our son was missing?", she interrogated me.

"No I didn't", I said not knowing what she meant.

"Well America hasn't returned any of my calls and I am starting to get worried", she said.

"I don't know where he is.  He is more close to you than me so it is surprising that you don't know where he is", I said now worried.

France opened her mouth again but then the elevator dinged.  I am starting to think that is elevator likes me, but I have to focus.  I walked toward Germany's office. Oh boy did he grow up.   I take a step inside knowing that I am welcomed in.

"Hey do you perhaps know where America is?", I asked.  

"No vhy", he asked.

"France hasn't seen him and I am starting to get worried", I replied. 

"Vell I could see if I could track his last known location but you might have to wait until the end of the day to find out.  Is that okay?", he said.

"Yeah, thanks old friend", I say as I walk out.  I am so glad to have a friend like him. 

(with Russia)

{Russia P.O.V.}

I went on a patrol of the city.  He searched and searched to find trouble.  It usually help me with my anger but it seems to be nowhere in the city.  I was frustrated  when I tried again.  Then something finally happened.  Hydra was attacking a little boy.

"You got to snoop very low in order to be attacking someone like that", the White Ranger said.

"Ah the White Ranger just who I was looking for", Hydra said.

Russia was confused so he just put his fist up like he wanted to fight.  His spirit animal a bear, and power Ice.  He swore that no one will suffer what he went through.  No one will have to suffer what he went through.  Hydra was more confident then usually this worried Russia.

"I thought that you would prefer to fight my friend rather than me", Hydra said.

Then out of the light stepped forth Mexico in his corrupted form.   What Mexico said that he would try to fight it back.  I stopped this is what Hydra wanted.  He wanted me to go easy on this dude because he was a civilian.  

The youngster that they attacked ran up and hugged my leg.  This will be a long fight.  


Will Russia get over the fact that he will be fighting Mexico?  What did happen to Mexico?  Find out next time!

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