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Exam weeks, which means staying up late constantly pouring coffee down your throat, along with any energy drinks to stay awake to study every piece of information that could possibly be on the test that can affect your grade to pass. The most stressful time for any college student trying their hardest to get that diploma, the key to their dream job. Today was the final day and we're all ready for the final exam before the break.

    Sitting in a quiet classroom, listening to the ticking of the clock, classmates anxiously tapping their pencils on their desk as they constantly debate what answer is the correct choice. Here I am looking at confusing math problems, scribbling problems down on the sheet of notebook paper lying next to my exam booklet. Trying as best as I can to solve the problem in the way I'm supposed to but of course, the problem I get is not located as one of the many choices, so like any other person that would be in this position picks the one closest to the number I got. A lovely subject that I despise but have to take since it's a requirement.

    I look up at the clock seeing that we have about twenty minutes left, I avert my eyes back to my booklet, flipping through the pages just to see that I have only fifteen more problems to solve. I could be like high school and rush through every single one hoping that my guesses are magically correct. Sadly, this isn't high school and I can't go through college guessing each answer. Can I?

    I write down the next problem, do my best to solve the equation. Trying not to do whatever mistake I did in the last one. I keep going, trying not to rush but also trying as fast as I can to solve every single one before time runs out. "Five more minutes!" The professor announces to the class.

    Five problems left and only five minutes remain, which means pray and hope that the answers I guessed are corrected. I scribble down some of the equations to at least get some of the last few problems correct but the last remaining I sadly had to guess on. "Pencils down, please bring your booklets to me as you exit the room. Hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving break and good luck on the rest of your exams."

    We all grab our things, start exiting the room while handing in our exam booklets. "Freedom!" One of the students yells when they leave the room, causing all of us to laugh.

    "How did it go?" Liam asked me while slugging his arm around me to tug me into his side.

    "I'm pretty sure I failed it!" I tell him. "Why are they doing exams this week, when we have a week of school after Thanksgiving break?"

    "Because during that week, give us time to talk to our professors, find a way to do extra credit to pass if we got a low grade. Along with planning our classes to take next term." Liam explains to me. "And I think you passed. You did study and tried your hardest, right?"

    "Yes," I lay my head against his arm.

    "Don't stress, beautiful." He kisses the top of my head causing me to smile. "Let's go charge up our brains, so we can function through the rest of our exams for the day."


    Liam took me to a small little cafe, drank some coffee. Liam had a sandwich and I had a muffin. We talked about the exams we took, along with the ones we have in the future. After our recharge, Liam took me back to my dorm and did a study session before our last exams.

    I'm sitting in Mr. Fuchs class, listening to one of the students reading their essay. My eyes keep glancing towards the clock hoping that time will run out and I don't have to read mine. It was personal, revealing my past that I don't want to share. I wrote it for mine and Mr. Fuchs's eyes, not for others to see or hear. The student who I don't remember the name of takes their seat, Mr. Fuchs looks at his clipboard scanning the chart finding the next victim. "Jasper Shelton, you're next." The breath that I was holding in, finally releases from my lips. Relief that I'm not next, and from the looks of the clock on the wall, I won't be up there at all.

    I try listening to Jasper's essay but my mind keeps dozing off. All I want to do is be in my dorm and sleep. My phone buzzes in my pocket two times signaling that someone has texted me. I casually slid my phone out of my back pocket, to see that Liam was the one who messaged me.

    'Five more minutes;)' The message read. A smile forms on my face, I lock my phone and decide not to respond. The phone buzzed again before I had the chance to slide the phone back into my pocket. 'Can't wait to spend the break with my beautiful girl:*' My face heats up while butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach. I lock my phone, set it down on the table

    Spending Thanksgiving break with Liam makes me anxious, the last trip we went on blew up. Went on the trip thinking I was in a perfect relationship, just to discover he wasn't as perfect like I thought he was. And that the one person I consider to be my best friend knew the whole time. Hopefully, this trip I still have a boyfriend and no chaos occurs.

    I want this to be perfect, it's the first holiday Liam and I will share. The first one I bring a boy home for, so I don't want anything to change this memory to one I want to forget.


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Change (Published under The Change For Her)Where stories live. Discover now