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I don't know why I agreed to a second date with Conor, I didn't even know this was a date. This is all fuzzy for me and so new. I'm not even sure I like him in that way. In all honesty I never really liked anyone, he is a sweet guy and I can tell he has a good heart. I only said yes because I didn't want to make things awkward and for him to be embarrassed.

"Are you ready to go?" Conor asks when the lady drops off our bill. "Yeah, I'm finished," I tell him. We both stand up and I glance over at Liam and his group of guy friends once again, Liam turns around and looks at me and Conor. I see him roll his eyes and scoff quietly as one of his friends start to talk to him. I catch up to Conor as he's walking out the front doors of the diner. "Thank you," I say as I walk past him as he holds the final door open for me. He nods and gives me a soft smile as I walk out the doors to his car. He follows closely behind me, when we get to his car he unlocks it then walks to my side and opens the door for me, "Aren't you such a gentleman" I say laughing softly, "only for pretty girls like you" He winks at me before walking over to the driver side.

"Where we off to now?" I ask as he starts pulling out of the parking space. "I want take you to a few of my favorite spots." He tells me as he drives out the parking lot. "And what are these favorite spots of yours?" I ask as I look over at him, raising an eyebrow. When we come to a stop at stop light, he looks over an smiles at me. "You just have to wait and see." He answers before he starts driving again. I groan and turn to face the window.

I watch the scenery change and listen to the music playing through the radio. He turns down a road that had nothing but trees on both sides until it leads to a very empty parking lot. He gets out of the car without saying a word, he runs to my side and opens my door while smiling down at me.

"Whenever my father came home for home visits, one many of things we would do together is going to the park and play ball." He tells me as he walks to open up his trunk to pull out a bag. "When my sister was born it was hard for him to make time for us to come out here." He grabs my hand and starts walking down the path. "It was our special thing." He continued. As I listen to him talk, I admire the old scenery of the park. I can tell that many people don't come here, the sidewalk was cracked, slowly being taken over by weeds and grass.

"Here when the fun begins." He chuckles as we walk down a small hill that leads to what looks like a baseball field. "What kind of fun are you talking about?" I ask. He lets go of my hand, to open up the gate that lets you in. "We're gonna play ball.'' He holds the gate open for me and closes it when I walk onto the field. I don't do sports and I never really have, "Come on." He tells me as he walks down the field to the dirt pile in the middle.

He opens the bag and pulls out a few baseballs, glove, helmet, and bat. He hands the bat to me, "Your funny if you think I'm gonna let you throw balls at my face." I tell him as I push it back towards him. Which causes him to laugh. "Fine, you can throw them at me." He tells me as he tosses me a glove. I put the glove on my left hand, I pick up one of the balls that's laying on the ground than place it in the glove as I wait for Conor to get situated.

I don't know much about baseball besides what I learned in gym class. One of the big things I know is that I'm horrible at sports. Me plus sports don't go well together, it's not my forte. I watch him put the helmet on his head and swing his bat. "Alright, show me what you got!" He shouts at me, as he gets in his position. I bite my lip and grip the ball in my hand, I mimic the baseball pitcher move and throw the ball at him.

I watch the ball flow through the air and land at the end of the green. Which causes him to laugh, "That was a poor throw." He chokes out. "Shut up." I groan. I pick up another ball, "Get ready!" I yell at him, I bite the inside of my lip as I prepare to pitch and wait for him to get situated. I do my pitcher move and watch the ball fly in the air, and squeal as soon as he hit the ball. "Now that was a perfect throw." He tells me as he walks up to me, and hands me the ball I fail to throw. "Want to go another round?" He smiles at me, "Yeah." I laugh and take the ball from him.


We ended up playing more than just one more round, he tried to get me to hit one but that didn't happen. Now Conor wants to take me back to my dorm after we had played our few games of baseball. The car ride back was quiet, he barely said anything to me, only noise filling the vehicle is the music playing through the radio. Once we get back to the dorms Conor runs over to my side and opens the door giving me a small smile, I get out and smile back softly. "I had fun today," he says with a cocky smirk on his face "So did I thank you" he nods as I walk off towards the doors of the building, just to find Ava standing on the other side.

"Did I just see you with Conor?" She asks me with a shocked expression. "Yeah, why?" I look at her as she walks by my side towards our dorm. "What were you doing with him?' She asks in a weird tone. "We hung out, but I guess you could have called it a date?" I'm still not sure how I felt about being with him or how I felt about it being a date. It's totally different and new to me. I look at Ava to see her expression as she opens our door, and it was hard for me to read what she was thinking. She turns on the lights inside and shuts the door once I'm inside, "You went on a date with Conor? You don't know anything about him do you?" I sit down on my bed and look at her confused. "No not really we just met in my last period, he seemed like a really nice guy and he offered to buy me food"

She takes off her jacket and tosses it in a random location before sitting on her bed, "He's not a nice guy Chloe." She tells me in a soft tone. "Why what's wrong with him?" I start to feel slightly anxious and scared when I hear those words leave Ava's mouth. "He has this reputation.. Where he likes to take girls to the same places every time he goes on a date. He always uses 'his dad was in the military' " She air quotes the last part. "Which is not a lie, because he was. He just uses it to get the girl to fall for him and feel sorry." She adds.

"Did he take you to a diner?" She looks up at me. I didn't know what to say, so I just nod my head. "And did he sorta trick you into going on a second date after talking about his dad?" I nod my head again. "Afterwards did he take you to a baseball field?" I look down at my lap. Confused and lost at words. "I'm so sorry Chloe." She tells me as she walks to sit next to me. I don't want to believe her, but she would know him better than me since she been here longer.

Every detail about today events was so accurate. I just don't want to believe that he is a player because he was so sweet and kind to me. I really don't want it to be true.  

Change (Published under The Change For Her)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя