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When Ava told me that I shouldn't get involved with Conor, that he wasn't the type of guy I should be with you would have thought I would end things right then and there. For some reason I decided against it, I believe that he is a nice guy. He could have been that way in the past, he probably changed. It's been a few weeks now since we met and went on our first date, Conor is nothing that Ava describe him to be.

We went on our second date recently, he took me to a fancy restaurant, I'm not big on those types of restaurants but they did have incredible food. I'm not the type who wants to eat those at those places, I would rather eat fast food like McDonald's or at a cheap diner. I didn't complain though.

Now here I am getting ready to meet his family for the first time, I'm extremely nervous even though Conor told me I shouldn't be. I don't know how to act around them or how to dress. I wish Ava wasn't against me dating Conor so she could help me but she still reminds me every time she sees me that he gonna break my heart.

I get that she's looking out for me but she doesn't see the Conor that I see. I decided to wear a nice white flowy flower dress, white flats and curl my hair. I touch up my makeup before looking at my appearance to make sure I looked presentable. As I shut my closet door, someone knocks on the door and I knew it was Conor picking me up for the big day.

"Hey," I smile as I open the door for him. "You look beautiful." He compliments me as he looks me up and down. "Thank you." I blush. "You ready?" He asks me as I reach to grab my bag hanging by the door. "Yeah, all set," I tell him. He grabs my hand, as we walk out the door. I turn to lock the door before we walk down the hall. I fiddle with the end of my dress as my thoughts roam through my head.

What if his parents don't like me? What if they think I'm not good enough? "Stop working yourself up," Conor tells me as he squeezes my hand. "I just want them to like me," I say softly, which causes him to stop in front of his car. He turns towards me and cups my cheek, "they're gonna love you." He reassures me by looking in my eyes. He places a kiss on my temple before unlocking his car and holding the door open for me. "Thank you," I tell him as I get in. He nods his head as he shuts the door before walking over to the driver side. "Time for a fabulous drive to my magic kingdom." He says as he starts up the car, causing me to laugh.


The drive seems to be almost an hour long, he told me that we're almost there as we drive past beautiful big houses. I'm not surprised that they live in this type of neighborhood. I'm sure his father earns a lot from serving our country. He starts slowing down before turning into a driveway that leads to an incredibly beautiful home. A tire swing hanging from the tree, colorful garden along the sidewalk that leads to the porch stairs. As the car gets put in park, I see a woman step out onto the porch wearing a light blue lace dress with her blonde hair up in a ponytail.

"That's my mother." He tells me as he sees who I'm looking at. "She beautiful," I tell him. He gets out the car, waves at his mom as he comes to open my door. I tell him thank you as I take his hand to get out. He laces our fingers together before we start walking to his house. My nerves start having a party the closer we get to his mother. "Mom, this is Chloe. Chloe this is my mother Kindra." Conor tells me as he directs his hand out towards his mother.

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Kings." I smile at her as I shake her hand. "Please, call me Kindra." She smiles back. "You have a lovely home, Kindra," I tell her as I look around her porch. She has flower pots filled with what looks like Begonia, setting by her porch swing. She also has windchimes hanging by a small patio table. "Let's get inside, your father out back grilling." She tells Conor. He places his hand on my lower back, to guide me inside.

"Wow," I gasp as I walk into the lobby. It's way bigger than my mother home. You could probably fit two of my house inside here. "Where Selina?" Conor asks his mother. "She upstairs playing, she'll be down when dinner ready." She tells him, "I'm gonna go talk to my dad let him know we're here." He whispers to me before walking off.

"You can help me in the kitchen if you'll like." Mrs. Kings offers. "I'll like that, can I use your bathroom first?" I ask her, "You can use the one upstairs, just go up then turn right and it's 3 doors down on the left." She smiles. I polity say thank you, before making my way up the stairs. As I walk up the stairs, I see family pictures on the wall. I stop when I see two little boys standing side by side. One I assume is Conor, I couldn't tell who the other boy is but his eyes look familiar.

I get to the top I hear a little girl laughing, and I automatically knew it was Conor's little sister. I turn right following her laugh but stop outside the door when I hear a familiar voice talking to her. "Selina, don't touch that." He tells her. "But I want you to play me a song." I can hear the pout in her voice. I hear him groan and footsteps start to walk across the room. "One song, that's it." He tells her. "Yay." I place my hand over my mouth to muffle my laugh.

I hear the sound of a guitar being played and all sudden a beautiful elegant singing voice. "The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting, Could it be that we have been this way before? I know you don't think that I am trying, I know you're wearing thin down to the core," He sings. I know this song, it's one of my favorite songs. I lean against the wall listening to him sing to the little girl. I couldn't help but smile when he gets to my favorite part.

"Oh, but hold your breath, Because tonight will be the night, That I will fall for you over again, Don't make me change my mind Or I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true, Because a girl like you is impossible to find, It's impossible," I slowly get up because I couldn't hold my bladder any longer, as I get up I ended up knocking into the vase that was set on a table next to me. I sucked in my breath as I caught it before it landed on the ground.

"Why did you stop?" Selina asks as he stops playing. "Hold on," He tells her. I place the vase on the table. I was too distracted making it look perfect that I didn't hear his footsteps walking towards me. "What you doing?" He said behind me. Making me jump, and place a hand on my chest. I slowly turn around to see the boy who matches the familiar voice. 

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