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My mother didn't stay long after she dropped me off. She helped me carry my things up to my dorm than took me out for a nice lunch. After that, she left. I promised her I'd call her every day to update her on my life in college.

Now I'm in my dorm, unpacking my things, as I listen to the music playing in the background. I hum along to Lauren Jauregui song Expectations that's filling the room, as I hung up the rest of my clothing. After I finished hanging up my clothes I put my luggage bags underneath my bed. I grabbed the box that had my bedding in it and placed it by my new bed I'll be sleeping in for a year.

I grasped my favorite pastel pink sheet, and cover up my disgusting mattress. "She would not show that she was afraid, but being and feeling alone was too much to face" I sang quietly along to my favorite Shawn Mendes song. I pulled my white comforter out of the box and laid it on top of my pastel sheets.

"Sometimes it all gets a little too much, but you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up" I sang while I place my pillows on my bed. I picked up my small soft pastel pink blanket and laid it at the end of my bed. While I set my bear that my father gave me on my bed, I heard a knock on my door.

I turn my head to see a tall figure leaning against, my now open door. I take in the way he looked. Blonde hair, shiny lip ring, and his eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. He's wearing a black t-shirt with a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and black converse. "May I help you?" I ask quietly. He smirks at me, before speaking to me.

"I was looking for my friend. I'm guessing you're her new roommate." He tells me. "Yeah, um I'm Chloe." I smile weakly. I always get nervous around guys, I guess it's because they never gave me the time of day. "Liam, what are you doing here?" I hear a female speak before her figure appears walking into the room.

"I was waiting for you, babe." He answers as he watches her walk to her bed. I look over at the girl, her hair was brunette. She was wearing a white tank top with a flannel tied around her waist, that reveals few of her arm tattoos. She had on black shorts, and combat boots. "How did you even get in? I had the door lock?" She looks over at him. He looks at her than a glance in my direction. Which made her finally look my way.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." She smiles at me before she walks up to me. "I'm Ava." She stated while she sticks her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Chloe," I say lowly, as I shake her hand. We break the handshake and she walks over to her bed. "By the sound of this song, we're gonna be good friends." She refers to Billie Eilish song 'When The Party's Over' begins to play.

She unties her flannel, tosses it on her bed before picking up her leather jacket that was laying there. She slips it on as she walks over to Liam. He wraps his arm around her shoulder. "Bye Chloe." She says as she walks out the door.

After they leave, I decided to get back to fixing up my side of the room. As I place my books onto my bookshelf, I couldn't help but glance over at Ava's side of the room. It's edgier compared to mine. She has random types of band posters on one wall and records above her bed. Her bedding is Slytherin, Harry Potter house.

She's a Potterhead like me. That makes me slightly better, knowing we have one thing in common. I turn back around and continue placing my books onto the shelves. Time flew by and all my boxes became empty. Now I'm placing my last vinyl above my bookshelf.

By the time I was done it was dark out. So I grabbed my laptop, crawled into bed and decided to watch a movie on Netflix until I fall asleep.


My alarm goes off, and I groan as I turn it off. I sit up in bed and close my laptop to move it. I glance over at Ava's bed to see that she was still asleep. I quietly get out bed, walk over to my dresser to grab my clothes I planned to wear.

I'm so thankful that our dorm has its own bathroom. I hated the idea of sharing a bathroom with everyone in our building. I took a shower, brush my teeth, blow dry my hair. You know the normal get ready in the morning stuff. I put on my white skater skirt, purple sweater tucked in. I braid my hair into a loose side braid. Lightly put makeup on, before walking back into my room. Well, mine and Ava's room.

I walked back over to my dresser to grabbed a pair of my white ankle socks to put on and I slipped on my white vans. After that, I grabbed my bag, along with my phone and keys before walking to switch off the lights, before walking out to start my day.

I exited the building that the dorms are located, and started walking down the sidewalk that leads to campus. I love how peaceful the morning was, there weren't that many people around as I walk towards my morning class. While I was walking I saw a coffee cart and I couldn't help getting all jittery. I can't live without my coffee, it's the biggest part of my life. I dig through my purse while I walk towards the coffee cart.

"Ugh," I say as I ran into someone. "I'm so so so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I rushed out. I look up to see the person, who I recognize from yesterday. He has a smirk on his face, as his eyes were filled with amusement while he's looking at my now red face. "Your um L-Liam right?" I stuttered as I pull on a sleeve. "Your Chloe right?" He crosses his arms.

I didn't answer, I just nodded my head. "Why so nervous? I won't bite." He chuckles as he fiddled with his lip ring. "I-I'm not nervous. I'm just embarrassed." I say softly. He chuckles again and looks away from me. I took that as my opportunity to get out of the awkward situation and continue my way over to the coffee cart.

"Hi, I'd like a cup of coffee," I tell the person. "Make that two." The familiar voice said behind me. "That be $10.50." The employer tells us. Before I could pay, Liam beats me to it. Causing me to roll my eyes. "Thank you." I quietly say. I grab the cup that was placed in front of me and started walking in the direction my class is.

"No, thank you?" He asks as he caught up to me. "Thank you," I answered. I see him shake his head, as he chuckles. This boy chuckles a lot. "'See you around Chlo." He tells me as he walks off somewhere. As he left my side I couldn't help release the breath I was holding in.

Liam has this mysterious vibe, and part me doesn't take that as a good sign. I just hope for now I'll only have an encounter with him when he's with Ava.

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