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"What you doing here in Conor's house?" Was the first thing that flew out of my mouth. "That's none of your business. Now, what are you doing?" He asks again. "I was looking for the bathroom," I answer somewhat honestly. He doesn't say anything else, he just points to a door, that I assume to be the bathroom. I walk past him but stop to turn back around to look at him, "You're not gonna ask why I'm here?" I ask softly. "I know why." He said in a rude tone.

I don't say anything else and continue to my destination. Their restroom looks so elegant, white and gold decoration. So spotless looks like no one ever used it. Before I could wash my hands, I saw a Barbie doll laying inside the sink. I couldn't help but smile. I pick it up and place it by the sink, so I remember to take her to Selina on my way back to Conor's mother.

I make my way down the hall, to see that the door to the room she was in was shut. Before I could press my ear against it, I heard her laughter coming from downstairs. I made my way down the stairs, to continue looking for her. "Hey, there you are." I heard Conor walking towards. "Hey." I smile at him when I turn to him. He looks down at my hand and raises his brow. "What you doing with my sister doll?" He points towards it. "Oh, I was using the restroom and saw it in the sink," I tell him. "I wanted to bring it back to her," I added.

He couldn't help but laugh as he wraps his arm around me and place a kiss on my head. "Selina loves using the sink as a pool for her dolls." He tells me. "Come, she in the family room." He adds as he starts walking.     As we walk, I admire the structure of his parents home. I feel like his mother decorated this home because there no way a man would have such amazing taste like this. "Bubby!" I hear a little girl yell. I feel Conor drop his arm, which causes me to look at him. A smile breaks on to my face when I see him pick his little sister up, and spin her in the air causing her to erupt in laughter.

She has blonde hair like Conor's and her mother's. "Who this?" She asks when she looks at me with her beautiful blue eyes. I'm assuming she has her father's eyes since her mother's eyes are brown. He sets her down. "This is Chloe, my girlfriend." He tells her in an adorable soft voice while looking up at me. "Hi Selina, I think this belongs to you." I smile at her while holding out her doll. "You found her!" She exuberant, rushing to get her from me. Making Conor and I laugh.

"Dinner ready!" We hear Kindra shout from another room. Conor grabs my hand, walks me the direction his sister took off skipping.


    "Dad, this is Chloe." Conor introduces me as his father stands up from the table. "Nice to meet you, sir." I smile as he shakes my hand. "Please, call me Ronald." He smiles back at me. "You got yourself a lovely girl, son." He tells Conor, causing me to blush. He thanks him before directing me to our seats. "Thank you," I say softly as Conor pulls my chair out for me.

    As I sit down I feel a pair of eyes on me, and they didn't feel like Conor's. I glance up to see it was Liam, I still don't get why he here. Are they brothers? If they are, why wouldn't Conor tell me?

    His face was unreadable when he saw that I caught him, he directs his attention to his plate. "Alright, dig in," Kindra tells us as she places the rolls on the table. I sat back in my seat as the guys start digging in. Kindra fixes Selina's plate before fixing hers. "Are you gonna eat?" Conor whispers to me. "Yeah," I answer him. I reach over and start placing the lovely meal Kindra has made onto my plate. My mind constantly going back to thinking why Liam is in this house sitting across from me.

"So Chloe, How are you enjoying college so far?" Ronald asks me. "It's been incredible so far," I tell him as I place the pork chop onto my plate. "What you studying for?" Kindra adds to the topic. "I'm studying to become a teacher, but I also want to be a writer," I answer. I see Liam perk his head up when I say the last part. "Really? What you want to write about?" Ronald questions.

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