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Uploading a day early, don't worry I'll still be posting a chapter tomorrow. 

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The sound of a door opening wakes me up, the flashing scenes playing on the tv is the only source of light filling the room. I try to move but a weight on my waist is holding me down, I grab ahold of my phone to see that it's 4 in the morning. The door closing takes my attention, Maria slowly walking towards the bathroom. "Maria?" I say in a loud whisper.

She immediately looks towards me like she just got busted committing a crime. "Chloe, hi," She quietly said before going into the bathroom.

I move Liam's arm off my waist and sit up to slip on my shoes. "Maria, we need to talk," I tell her when she comes back into the room. She doesn't say anything, her unreadable eyes look into mine and she just nods her head. We both walk to the door to go sit on the steps of the building under the night sky. Maria stares off in front of her, staying silent fidgeting with her rubber bracelets on her wrist. "What happened at your school that's causing you to want to come here?" I ask her.

"What makes you think something happened?" She looks over at me.

"Maria, I'm not stupid. You would never leave your dream school if there wasn't a big reason. Plus I saw a text on your phone from some guy named Drew, telling you that he wouldn't let whatever happen to you, happen here."

"You went through my phone?"

"No, the night Ava went to get pizza, I saw something lighting up on her bed. That's when I saw the text message. If I went through your phone, I wouldn't be sitting here asking you what happened."

Maria bites her lower lip, looks away, and anxiously bounces her leg. "I did something stupid Chloe," She tells me.

"What do you mean?" I rest my elbow on my leg to rest my head on my hand.

"It's bad, Chloe," She looks towards me with tears in her eyes.
"Maria, you know I would never judge you. You can tell me anything," I place my hand on her arm and gently squeeze it as reassurance.

She takes a deep breath before releasing it, "I went to a party, drank a lot but not enough to where I didn't know what was happening around me. I remember everything and I wish I didn't know. There was this guy, we were dancing and having a good time. We went up to a random room and we had a heated make-out session." Maria pauses for a second and grips her bracelets. "He pulled out his phone and started taking pictures when I took my shirt off. I tried to make him stop, tried to grab his phone to delete the images. Which just made him angry. He-" He breathing started getting heavy, making it harder for her to hold back the tears. "He hit me, held me down on the bed, and took more pictures. I finally got him off me and ran out of the place to get back to my dorm. By the time I got there, my roommate showed me an email that the guy sent out of the pictures. I felt sick to my stomach." She faces me with tears running down her face. "I can't go back there Chloe, I can't" She shakes her head.

I scoot closer to Maria, wrap my arms around her, and pull her into me. Letting her cry into my arms, while I comb my fingers through her hair. "Talk to the head of menstruators, you got this Maria. Just head to get the paperwork going and everything will come through. You'll be here in no time." I want to kill that guy, I hope karma hits him hard. Guys like that think they're high and mighty, thinking they can do whatever they want. No guy who hurts a woman is a man. "It's okay, you're okay," I whisper to her.


Update every Saturday

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