Sick days

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A/N: You bet your sorry asses that I am back, bitches.  JK I love you all.  Sorry for making you all wait 10 days for a chapter again, I am trying to get into the habit of updating once a week, no exceptions.  Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction to my flu shot on Monday so I missed school and had to catch up on my work, plus I was super tired, so it was hard to find time to write.  But I am back so enjoy the chapter! Also a special thanks to @Mackstrut for suggesting this! 

Editing complete

A little over a month had passed since Abby and the Bad Batch had returned from Serreno.  Much to their relief, her injuries responded well to the medications and she healed rather quickly.  They had gone on several more missions too, but they had a couple days off before they would take another.  So, on one of these particular mornings, Abby yawned and stretched her legs, waking up from a long and reposeful rest.  Since the Bad Batch had received vacation leave for the rest of the week, they had decided to spend it somewhere peaceful and leisurely so they could be undisturbed.  So that is how they ended up with the Havoc Marauder  landed ona vacant field on Naboo. 

'Today is to be a great day!'

Or so Abby first thought. As soon as she sat up, her head began to pound and she sneezed violently.  She sniffed, rubbing her stuffy nose on her shirt sleeve.

"You have got to be kidding me," Abby said aloud to no one in particular. "We finally get some kriff damn vacation leave and this is how I have to spend it!"

Sick days weren't exactly what she had in mind when she pictured her days off.  She sighed and rubbed her temples. How the heck was she supposed to tell the other Batchers that she was sick? After all, she had just been kidnapped and tortured by the Separatists, which had nearly given them all heart attacks from stress.  Abby then made a rash decision. She wasn't going to worry the others about this.  It was just a cold anyways.  Besides that, she could take care of herself! 

So, despite her body's aching protests, Abby slid out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. As soon as she looked into the mirror she groaned. Deep bags were under her eyes, her cheeks were flushed yet she was pale at the same time, and her wavy blonde hair was a mess. 

Muttering some choice words under her breath, Abby covered the bags under her eyes with a little bit of makeup. Even though she had gotten a full night's rest, she still felt exhausted. Then, she put on her civvie clothing, as there was no need for her armor today. It was a simple outfit, just a pair of loose black sweatpants and an soft blue T-shirt. Abby brushed her hair into a lazy ponytail, finally ready for the day.  After getting dressed, Abby wandered into the galley, where she found Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, and Wrecker. 

"You slept late," Hunter remarked, seeming amused.

"What time is it?" Abby asked, trying and failing to stop her voice from sounding too scratchy or hoarse. Of course, Hunter noticed.

"It's eleven; but are you okay? You sound sick," he questioned.

"Wow, it's that late? And yeah, I'm fine, it's just because I recently woke up," Abby lied. 

 She felt terrible for not telling the truth, but it didn't seem too serious. Not yet at least.

"If you say so," Hunter shrugged but eyed her suspiciously. 

Abby shrugged at him and went to find some breakfast, trying not to let her discomfort show.


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