The Prank War

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A/N:  Hello, I am back! So, judging by the title, you all can probably tell that this chapter is more lighthearted that the previous two.  I hope you enjoy it though!  Tell me what you think at the end and let me know if you would like a part two!  Also, please give me suggestions or requests for future chapters! (That's right, it's only the 3rd chapter and I already am running low on inspiration)  DISCLAIMER: I added some photos to the chapter for visuals, none of them are mine, I just found them on the internet.

Editing complete

A few weeks had passed since Abby joined the Bad Batch. Amongst all the changes, they all had had adjusted fairly easily.  All the Bad Batchers got along with her well and even Crosshair was beginning to come around, by some strange miracle.  Since Abby had a vast amount of experience as a mercenary, as well as some medical knowledge, she already had proved herself to be a capable member of the group, which had probably helped in the transition.

But even though she already loved her new life, Abby was beginning to feel slightly homesick. She missed Robbie and the long nights that she would spend in Oga's Cantina, as well as the simplicity of her apartment and her afternoon strolls through the busy marketplace of Black Spire Outpost. The homesickness had begun to severely dampen her spirits. Wrecker noticed this, and was determined to make her feel more at home. 

Of course, he devised a plan to counter this.  At the moment, the Bad Batch had landed on Corascaunt, waiting for their next mission from the Republic.  While everyone else had gone to the nearby shooting range, Wrecker and Abby had stayed behind, leaving the opportune moment for the demolition expert to strike.  Since they had no assignments at the moment, now was the perfect time for Bad Batch to have a little fun.  And Wrecker was determined to do just that.

So, that evening, Wrecker called Abby to his bedroom, ready to get her on board for the plan and iron out the remaining details.  This was a delicate operation after all!  Wrecker bounced on the balls of his feet in excited anticipation as he heard Abby coming from down the hall to his room.  He had messaged her from his commlink a few minutes before and she had evidently gotten the cryptic message.

"Hey, Wrecker, what's up?" Abby inquired she entered his room.

Wrecker's bedroom was pretty untidy, with his dumbbells for weightlifting stashed in the corner, his bed unmade, and clothes in a pile on the floor.  The dark durasteel walls and lack of natural lightning didn't help matters either.  But Abby didn't mind since truthfully, her room wasn't looking all that much better at the moment.

"I got an idea," Wrecker explained, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Are we going to blow something up?" she asked hopefully.  His pyromania was certainly rubbing off on her.

"No. Well, maybe, we'll see.  Anyways, we are going to prank the others!  You know, just for fun."

"Yes! Best idea ever!" Abby cheered.   Wrecker was pleased with her enthusiasm.

"What are we going to do?" she asked, bouncing on her toes with a grin.

"That's why I called you. Ya got any suggestions?" Wrecker questioned.  

Abby smirked back at him.  "I think that I can come up with a few." 

 So, Abby and Wrecker immediately began brainstorming for their pranks, sprawled across the Havoc Marauder's floor.  They had to hurry before the other Bad Batchers got back from the shooting range because what's the fun in a prank war if they're expecting it?

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