Truth or Dare

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A/N: Hello everyone!  Ok so quick announcement.  I will be starting school again next week so, I probably won't update as often.  I do not in any way mean that I will only be posting chapters once a month.  Just don't expect them every 4 days.  I will probably have chapters ready once a week or so.  But that's all, so on to the story!

Editing complete

"I am bored," Wrecker complained one afternoon.

Hunter, Tech, and Crosshair groaned. If Wrecker was bored, then that meant that an explosion of some sort was likely soon to come. It was just facts.  The Bad Batch had no missions, therefore, there wasn't much to do. They were currently landed on the planet of Onderon, waiting for an assignment to come in.

"We should play Truth or Dare," Abby suggested, since she was bored as well.

"Yeah!" Wrecker cheered.

"Are you serious? That game never ends well," Hunter sighed incredulously.

"That's the fun of it!" Wrecker grinned.

"So, are you guys in or not?" Abby asked, glancing up at Hunter, Tech, and Crosshair.

"I'm in, as long as it keeps you two out of any real trouble," Tech relented.

"Alright, I'll play too. Even if it's just to see what kind of disaster this turns into," Hunter agreed.

"What about you, Cross?" Abby asked. 

He scoffed with a roll of his eyes.  "Why would I waste my time playing some stupid game?" he questioned.

"Because we have nothing better to do?  It gives you the chance to get revenge on Wrecker for the time he stole and hid your precious sniper rifle," Abby smirked. 

That seemed to get through to him well enough.

"I'm in," Crosshair agreed immediately, now having a legitimate reason to play along.

"Abby! Now he's going to torture me some how!" Wrecker exclaimed, voicing the feeling of betrayal.

"You wanted chaos, Wrecker," she chortled.

The five Batchers sat around in a circle on the floor of the Havoc Marauder in the order: Abby, Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair then Hunter.  They glanced amongst each other, smirking  but also fearing for their own lives.  Who knew what kind of ridiculous adventures the game would bring?

"Abby, since this was your idea, you go first. Truth or Dare?" Hunter asked.

"Dare," she responded immediately.

It had become a well established fact that Abby never turned down a dare. One time, Hunter had dared her to steal all of Crosshair's toothpicks. He had to go for a week without them before they could make a stop to buy him more.  The sniper was so furious that Abby had to hide in her bedroom for two weeks afterwards to avoid his wrath. She still believed that it was worth it though.

Hunter thought for a moment before smirking as an idea popped into his head.

'I don't like that look,' Abby thought dreadingly.

"I dare you to eat five spoonfuls of mustard."

"What! You monster, you know how much I hate that stuff!  It literally makes me sick!" Abby exclaimed angrily, but she stood up anyways.

She walked over to the fridge and pulled out the yellow bottle of her least favorite condiment.  Then she grabbed a spoon from a drawer and squeezed a dollop onto the utensil. She closed her eyes, making a disgusted face, and downed the first spoonful, repeating this four more times.  Each time the mustard reached her taste buds she had to fight the gag reflex that followed.  She seriously regretted telling the boys how much the hated it.

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